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xianc78 boosted
>games barely make any money
>never EoS
>CEO has a lot of money somehow
>Recently exposed for inserting pro-Is rael stuff in their newest game
>Now this

I am noticing

Well it seems like the Boeing crashes only apply to their commercial planes while their military planes are doing just fine.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Welcome to #NewWorldNextWeek – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
xianc78 boosted
The long list of unfamiliar names on ingredient labels of processed foods is already a cause for concern. However, many people are unaware of another category of additives never listed on these labels. #Health #FoodSafety
xianc78 boosted
and most of them don't know you can run most of the models on a normal PC with a low/mid tier graphics card on it and it won't give you back censored/pozzled/filtered results.
xianc78 boosted
The DOJ and the FBI made statements so misleading they merit sanctions, according to the plaintiff in that case, Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue. #okc
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Morghur @Niloy005 @MMS21 Honestly i would probably just use a LoRa communicator if i need to contact my children. It has an about 500 mile range and isn't reliant on cell service.

Even if your just a layman, i don't understand why parents don't get a jitterbug or dumb-phone. Even as a kid i was happy playing around with my grandmother's old Motorola phone.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Terry @NonPlayableClown @0 @11112011 @DiamondMind @DigitalCheese @Doll @Forestofenchantment @Frank @Hoss @Sui @Waerloga @dcc @dick @ins0mniak @j @pernia @pwm @syzygy @thatguyoverthere @thebitchisback @threat

> You'll find out who your rulers are pretty quick.

I have heard this expression before, written by some GLR fanboy but usually falsely attributed to Voltaire or something. Don't be be retarded, Terry, you know how long I have been here and were present for most of it. I don't know if you have noticed but every time I say something, I get at least one of the same handful of responses from GLR dipshits, and that is one of them.

I have 360 notifications. I will just paste the same shit I said to pernia ( ) without editing it (so do not get confused if I address you as "pernia" after this paragraph), because I do not have time for this bullshit "jews are the reason i misplaced my pen" horseshit.

Nobody tell pernis about the IMF or the World Bank and their relation to the UN so he keeps thinking it's an "Anglo financial system secretly controlled by Jews". Don't tell him why the fed will never be audited. Don't tell him that this is eight layers of spook: he peels back one layer and thinks he must have hit the bottom.

You know why Klaus Schwab's wealthy? His grandfather sold flamethrowers and gas chamber ventillation systems to the Nazis. Merkel's grandfather was a Berlin cop that participated in Krystallnacht and her dad was a captain in the Hitler Youth. The Nazis didn't go away, they just abandoned the branding. The dipshits with swastikas in their bio, dry-humping the corpse of the one-balled kraut with the butt-broom under his nose, heiling each other? Those are the idiots that care about the branding, too stupid to see the project never stopped. It didn't start as Nazism, either: that's one flag some of them flew for a brief period of time.

Eugenics, population control, look at the early founders and funders of Planned Parenthood. Socialism was sold as "scientific", the arrogance at the turn of the 20th century. Like Hitler, they picked Margaret Sanger as a face: fund someone that wants to do something that you want done, and then if it goes horribly wrong, you have someone to blame.

You get these people, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Vanderbilts (Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt), the Gates family, the Bush family, the Roosevelt family, they buy into this late 19th-century top-down planned society. They establish the IMF and the World Bank to provide themselves with, in their own words, international sovereignty. Rothschild made his money spreading fake news about Waterloo and fucking the market, and then sends each of his sons to a different country. History, motherfucker, look at the antitrust suits of the 19th century. Look at the Romanovs when the Tsar fell. This was urgent for them: make sure that no country can touch you.

And all of them firm believers in the top-down organized society, making sure that humanity stays manageable. Bernays, Dulles, Keynes. So they fund the USSR. They fund the PRC. The World Bank only gives out loans if given sovereign immunity by the country it's writing checks to, and it can set its terms. The PRC gets terms for the loans, it gets a One Child Policy. You know what the CIA's budget is? Neither does anyone that pays taxes here. It might actually be zero: they seem to fund themselves with heroin from Afghanistan and Palestine and cocaine from South America. They don't appear to be beholden to any politician in the US.

So Yuval Noah Harari declaring that Bitcoin is horrible: "When I look at Bitcoin, as a historian, I don't like it because this is a money built on distrust. We don't trust the banks, the governments, so we don't want to give them the ability to create as much money as they like, so we create this Bitcoin." The concept of bottom-up empowerment of random citizens, to exchange value anywhere on earth, is anathema to people that want a system of global control.

So you wanna babble about Jews and the "Anglo financial system" and you don't understand that the people creating the problems that you ascribe to this "Anglo financial system" will be *fine* and everything for them will go on as usual. If you had the ability to snap your fingers and make it happen, all you would be "collapsing" is my ability to get food.

So, goddammit, stop rambling about Jews and look *up*.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Oh, if you're just talking about not paying taxes, sure. Actually many ways to do that, some completely legal.
xianc78 boosted
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