@matrix S.M.A.R.T.
@shebang Mouse > Dragon
@shebang modern problems require modern solutions...
*Laughs in XFCE4*
iirc the old OpenBSD ports collection had a tool that capitalized on this.
Well, being one of the few to express ones opinion doesn't necessarily make you an expert. ;-)
@realcaseyrollins They could've kept the name when they installed new software.
@crunklord420 Aren't you forgetting a license? 😅
@matrix Ohw gawd.. I can never unsee that asshole ever again...
@bakubased If you have one of those sensitive millennial of zoomer faggots they will automatically start seething, and if that isn't a tell-tale sign, they will most likely just avoid or boycott this establishment outright.
@matrix Rust was a mistake.
@racuna I feel old now...
@icedquinn I like EKS running pods on Fargate. You have all the benefits of EKS, it's fine-grained management capabilities without the need to fuck around with EC2 instances.
Shame it costs an arm and a leg. Like $70 gor the backplane per month.
@icedquinn DC/OS is the off-the-shelf solution for mesos, similar to k8s package solutions offered by aws and gce. It's: install shit and get it over with.
I think it's ok. It lost the race against k8s, but it was the first mature Docker orchestration tool.
I currently run it in production, but management wanted EKS, so EKS it is. Meanwhile I am looking at nomad.
@realcaseyrollins Get banned for holding the wrong opinion, blue checkmark to indicate cringe levels, soy consumption is compulsory?
@SnugSmug Prolly to offset all the taxes they have to pay in this state.
@matrix People play games without devtools? 😅
@matrix You sure?
@matrix I can text you in the middle of the night if you wish.
Just another gamer on the Internet.