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@shebang Any static website generator with a blog function really. Even my homepage is essentially a set of static files.

@icedquinn This is my go to reference during discussions on why Log4j is shit! 😅

Have you ever glowed so hard, we could see you in Europe?

@shebang I asked my North Carolina friend if this was violently American.

It was either this or guns.

@matrix @Xalef I use an AppImage version of the NextCloud client. Works for me.

@Dee Use the 12 factor app development methodology and log to stdout.

@shebang Or an epic tank battle against the Russians.

@matrix This is racist, because indigenous black people won't be able to quote lyrics from songs of their culture, their people.

@realcaseyrollins To be fair, gettr has one thing going and that some character like Joe Rogan is joining the platform. He isn't some rightwing darling or some Twitter reject. It is at the same stage of Parler before it got kicked and that was that it was receiving mainstream attention.

@grips I race mixed too in the past, my most recent ex is Russian.

@realcaseyrollins Rather sooner than later, I expect GETTR getting the Parler treatment any time soon.

If Trumps mastodon instance becomes a hit, it may actually pull in more people ( if it federates that is. )

@shebang @probabilitybroach

Nostr, I'll have to look into that too.

As for Gttr, its well on its way to become a second Parler: right-leaning and conservatives, politicians, booted of twitter, being well underway to become a suitable mainstream alternative for Twitter, just waiting to be booted from their hosting provider for some reason.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.