@ButtWorldsMan If they decided to become wives and mothers, what kind of birth control did they have while whoring?
@alex take the one that doesn't gets you punched by the other patrons.
[X] Doubt
@matrix That outro is great =)
@matrix fake and gay
@VD15 @themilkman I usually end up going to some key site to buy a win10 license for a couple of euros.
@VD15 How are you configuring qemu? I decided to skip libvirt(io?), but fuck me I made my life hard AF.
@niclas @bonifartius @ScoWer22 30% that is cheap. Sign me up!
@crunklord420 yikes
@sebastianlaube Yes please!
@Sabex I guess the days of LUA are over.
@deprecated_ii obviously withholding that pussy
@crunklord420 https://twitter.com/aldin_aba/status/1720853702821413145?s=20
Keep on mind: APS is a thing
@beardalaxy Yeah, criminals by definition follow the law.
Meme made for females...
It is all of that, but just terrible, and within reason everything should be done to reduce this, relegate it to a side note of a side note.
@icedquinn Soldiers used to sleep in the same barge not too long ago...
Just another gamer on the Internet.