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@ButtWorldsMan If they decided to become wives and mothers, what kind of birth control did they have while whoring?

@alex take the one that doesn't gets you punched by the other patrons.

@kf01 @grips I concur. Fuck Brussel, fuck the walloons. The Flemish can join NL. By force if necessary we will unfuck their roads.

@VD15 @themilkman I usually end up going to some key site to buy a win10 license for a couple of euros.

@VD15 How are you configuring qemu? I decided to skip libvirt(io?), but fuck me I made my life hard AF.


It is all of that, but just terrible, and within reason everything should be done to reduce this, relegate it to a side note of a side note.

@icedquinn Soldiers used to sleep in the same barge not too long ago...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.