During a hearing in the German parliament, ALL experts spoke out against #chatcontrol. Share the video and sign the petition (https://civicrm.edri.org/stop-scanning-me) to show that we stand united against mass surveillance. #StopScanningMe #btADI @edri @Chatgeheimnis
it doesnt matter if your studio is big or small...it is all🫀+🧠
#NoExcuses #CreateEveryday #ProducerLife #musicians #composer
Read my own website on 👁#ChatControl to find out more about the horrific implications of the proposal and what you can do: https://chatcontrol.eu
🛡️Defend our right to #SecrecyOfCorrespondence! (2/2)
>A trans person could have survived, because of rapes (they would have put you together with males) and “re-education”, like 3/4 years, in my personal estimation.
To drop a finer point on this, all of that happens because of statism. We only needed LGBT protests and demand for “rights” because the state got in the way in the first place. That’s the source of all the troubles. If I’m unsafe somewhere, its because of the state making it so. We needed to fight for gay marriage (etc) because the state forbade it in the first place.
Well I aim at the responsible party here, and the more it grows the more hostile it becomes, so I pay close attention, because eventually some minority always gets it.
Censuur, terug van weggeweest
De afgelopen dagen is de Russische Federatie in enkele dagen van een autocratie in een totalitaire staat veranderd.
Het Europese antwoord is daarbij verbazingwekkend: de Raad van Ministers van de Europese Unie heeft in een ijltempo een verordening aangenomen die evenmin van respect voor uitingsvrijheid getuigt.
Dit is onverenigbaar met onze rechten en vrijheden. #Censuur
Just another gamer on the Internet.