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One point Kaczynski brought up that's really stayed with me, one echoed by many tech leery/weary writers, is that technology is only initially optional.

I called up a local barber shop a while ago and asked if I could make an appointment. "Online you can." I really hate web forms so I asked if they take walk-ins. "If you sign up online ahead of time." I just want a haircut, why do you need my email address? Why do I need to make an account?

At a job a few years ago they required a security token. I've seen these since the late 90's, so that wasn't a big deal until they told me they weren't issuing fobs, you had to download the app on your phone. I didn't have a smartphone (gave it up a couple years before) so as a team lead I couldn't sign in until someone else logged me into the system.

Sorry, no cash, only cards. Sorry, your card chip isn't working. Sorry we don't take checks. The magnetic strip? lol readers don't use that anymore.

Yeah, we don't take resumes in person. Yes, I know you want to actually talk with someone who could hire you, but we're going to need you to upload your resume and then fill out a poorly made online application then answer a retarded questionnaire. We'll call you after we've run out of imported labor.

Replace the battery on your phone? Are you high? Where would you put the AA's?

Oh, you have some great headphones with a 3.5mm audio jack that you'd like to use with a new phone? That's a shame, here, pay this dongle that won't work. You can always buy another pair of $300 headphones even though yours already work.

I'd love to get drunk and rant about this to a stranger at a bar since I know no one is going to read this. But it's hard to even catch someone's attention there now. Most are barried in their phones, or enchanted by the 10,000 screens showing CNN and niggerball.

Every day my life becomes more and more screen time, not because I want it to, but because there's no other viable options.

Also domain names enjoyed inflation. `` almost doubled in price in roughly 3.5 years time.

@matrix What are the odds of EU going full retard and DSA'ing this instance?

The downsides of being frugal.

The #OpenStreetMap Foundation spends, even with a slightly more ambitious budget this year than previously, less than %1 of what WMF/Wikipedia does, but is struggling to make ends meet.

There is no threat a la the infamous Wikipedia ads that the project will shut down, but without the funds activities will have to be cut back significantly.

If you consider OSM valuable consider

Today, on the 5th anniversary of Terry David's death I release my 4th annual tribute. A TempleOS-first crossplatform software rasterizing 3D rendering engine.

Featuring skeletal animation, normal mapping, shadow mapping, cubemaps, monochromatic renderer for 16 color palettization, Quake BSP(2) support for light baking and PVS culling. A unique single PC speaker synthesis workflow. Freestanding, baremetal, no GPU, scales with cores, supports everything including desktop and web browsers via WASM.

Download source and TempleOS ISO:

TempleOS first, other binaries releases to follow.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.