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And with sustained sleep deprivation the world seems pretty bleak.

Remember a while back when Gab Dissenter got released? Via a browser plugin users would able to comment and discus websites and articles that wouldn't otherwise be possible because the comment section would be turned off or there was no comment section to speak off. This allowed users to discuss sites and articles outside the control of its operators. And this worked, it worked really great even. There was a move to decentralize commenting on the Internet and for a time it worked, and it was great!

However, the biggest flaw in this initiative was Gab. I am not a fan of the average content, so by extent its users and finally the comments and the discourse that followed from it. While I don't have a hate-boner for Torba and Gab, the mainstream media and the apparatchiks did. So pretty swift the plugin got wiped from Mozilla and Chrome stores and I haven't seen anything from them ever since.

Even back then I wanted an OpenSource solution that allowed for a self-hosted instance, possibly even federated. I didn't forget about it, nor did I actively pursue it, but it was somewhere living rent free in the back of my head. It was recently it came back to mind after the whole shitty polarized situation we are currently in and sites were doing their best to please their corporate overlords by censoring the fuck out of people.

So this is what I want to do is the following; Name the suite "Echos" or something. You install the Echo browser plugin. You point this to one or multiple server instances. These server instances are software called/running "echo-chambers" in which you leave your comments. So the whole thing is about leaving your echos on a page are a website.

But this is something I will start in the new year, because for the remainder of this year I will be studying for an exam.

What do you guys think?

:flanshout: **IMPORTANT MESSAGE!** 

You are cute! :bunhdheart:

Last day of sub-normal pub opening times. Been drinking since 15:00ish. Running on fumes after my night granted me 4 hours of sleep. Life is great, no matter how much the NL government tries to fuck me over.

The ARK (ARMA3) Halloween session was glorious this year! Fighting of hordes of Zombies in a dark forest, fighting undead tigers in the jungles, as WH40K Imperial Guard purging heretics on some shithole planet, go into the zone to secure, contain and protect assets. It was all great and am looking forward to Halloween sessions next year!

But the most comfy moment in between all the gratuitous violence we managed to setup a campfire, decorate and play appropriate guitar music. This a comfy bonding experience. I still cherish that moment.

Are you from the European, North-America or Africa continent and like to play ArmA 3 on Saturday evening/afternoon. Jump into the fray with us!

In Brogue CE this is now my favorite seed: 282537736


I suffer when I do the main questline...

And I have the hardest time explaining this to my girlfriend. :blobunamused:

I just discovered that despite his recent change in gender, my fap-folder still has a subfolder dedicated to him named Ellen Page.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀…

"Second, new procedures introduced in 2012 specifically provide for NGOs to take part in the selection procedure for judges at the ECHR."

"Some 51 out of the 100 judges who have sat on the ECHR bench since 2009 had never been judges or magistrates before. Instead, they were very often human rights activists working for Soros or one of his front organisations."

#EHCR #Soros #AmnestyInternational #HumanRightsWatch

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.