
One of the "conspiracy theories" that I think can be tied in to the other big "conspiracies" out there is, simply put, the fact that girls are fertile and horny before they're 18 (or even 16). Of course, the more "activist" pedophiles will say that age can go as low as even 5 or 6, which is.....You know, slow down a bit, bub...

Think about the craze with limiting teen pregnancies years ago, and how that ties in with mass-contraception, and how that ties in with feminism etc... etc... The list goes on and on and on.

Falling birth-rates (in the West, regardless of race/ethnicity, really) are basically a result of the elite social-engineering the natural "younger is better" preference out of the human psyche.

A person I follow on social media said that nowadays, women are calling men who pursue only 18 year olds "pedophiles", because they're 30. Ridiculous. And even though that person wouldn't call themselves a pedo or anything like that, they said that what would result from such lunacy is actually a normalization of pedophilic tendencies (i.e. "the younger the better") as a "counter-culture" to retarded oppression.

I live in a country which only recently raised the AOC to 18.

Before, it was 16, and only a few years before that it was 14.

I've already gone over the shit that I've seen in my time here, so I'll just leave it at that.

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I mean, the AOC is not 18 per se, but like, everything here is becoming increasingly Americanized.

If I were dating a 16 year old, we'd still have to remain very much on the down-low.

@Aldo2 men who pursue *only* 18 y/os may not be technically pedophiles, but they still prey on the inexperienced and deserve to be ridiculed out of the gene pool the same way all other chasers should

@tomie @Aldo2
> prey on the inexperienced

The funniest way of saying "want a real love, not just to be a 10th guy on the ride"

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 no chaser wants a "real love", they just hunt the one single feature and drop the girl the second she loses it (i.e celebrates her 19th birthday)
and then she even has to tolerate this shit like "dO nOt WaNt tO bE nOt FiRsT" from entitled randos like you

@tomie @Aldo2
Ok then, you won,
Keep on gathering your experience then. You look like you're just about to level up.

@tomie I didn't mean it in that way, per se. But in a, they want to do this as legally as possible way.

If the law say 18 is the youngest you can go, then so be it.

But that upsets people anyways.

And if you're going to bring up adult men taking advantage of young women, that works both ways (ala gold-diggers).

@tomie @Aldo2 dumbass. The reason you want them 18 or as young as it's legal to is for 3 reasons. Fertility, Virginity, and before feminism can taint the girl and turn her into a useless brainwashed cunt that tries to be an autistic man.

Tell me your a dumb old ass female without telling me your a dumbass old female, probably a single mom with a hord of cats. :keku:

@Azur_Fenix @Aldo2 at this point I ask you "but why would an 18 y/o want you" and you're going to smash your keyboard or phone in an array of pure distilled but ultimately powerless seething 💅

@tomie @Azur_Fenix

Hey hey, leave Tomie alone.

I'm trying to be the moral, civil "adult in the room" pedophile here haha

@Aldo2 ngl if they're literally seeing "chaser" in the post and think "hey, that's me" ASAP that's on them, really

@Azur_Fenix @tomie @Aldo2 She says entitled randos as women automatically demand like entitled children without fail men be a minimum of 6ft tall, 6 inches of dick minimum, and 6 figure salary despite how fucking rare that is in reality. Make breeding slaves great again or make the Artificial womb already

I know what you mean. In here it'!s 15, but still everyone calls 18 the "legal age" :drink:

I still cannot get over the fact, that people are shitting their pants about this topic so much, that most attractiveness researches start at 21, because they are terrified of what the real results would be :D

@LukeAlmighty @Aldo2 I don't buy the talking point I've seen on Fedi that female attractiveness peaks in the (very) early teens, but 21 definitely seems way late, it's not like boobs generally keep growing past 18, unlike with men who can keep significantly bulking up even after they stopped growing in terms of height.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty

Very easy way to answer this:

When would you say Emma Watson was most attractive?

@Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty My honest gut response was Goblet of Fire, but that was also the movie most aggressively playing up her attractiveness (the Yule Ball), in a way the later movies didn't.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty


I was going to say Azkaban, but that's only 1 year before Goblet.

@Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty I think people picking Azkaban might also have to do with just how huge of a glowup she got.

@ChristiJunior @Aldo2
It's sad, but it not only makes sense from mathematical perspective (and therefore was written to genetics), but also was kinda eye opening, when I talked to >>seriously way too nyoung kids<< about their horror stories.

Not only does that shit start way earlier, then you would expect, but it hist just as hard, as the hatred guys get through the puberty. -_-

@ChristiJunior @Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty it peaks physically from 16 to 20. 16 is when they reach full maturity and when they stop mentally maturing. 20 is when their eggs start defraging. 30 is when 80% of their eggs are gone with very few viable ones left. In response her biological starts shitting the bed as nature intended because it doesn't want men wasting dick on infertile females. Scientifically the females only function is to carry kids and care for them untill their old enough to be instructed by the father.

If you want the religious answer I can give you that one too.

@Azur_Fenix @ChristiJunior @Aldo2
> 16 is when they reach full maturity

Here is the math mistake you're making. Biology doesn't care about meak fertility, but about total fertility.

Yes, math is THAT insane on this topic.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @Aldo2 this is true, you COULD go right at the start of puberty but it's on wise. Risk of child death or death in labor is way higher. People like to act like it's a moral reason 13 is not AOC, but it's a safety thing. Pregnancy puts a massive strain on the female body that young. 16 is the safer, for the female and offspring.

Disclaimer: I am not saying to bang 13 year olds. I'm nearly stating biology. Obey your own legal system or break it at your own risk. IDC.

@Azur_Fenix @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty

Something something meme of Grandma saying "Back in my day, I had 3 children before I was 10"

@Azur_Fenix @ChristiJunior @Aldo2
And just in caase anyone is so retarded, they need this spelled out:

I do not agree with that either. This is an autistically amoral analysis, wheere I am trying to reach the rough reality, no matter how disgusting.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @Aldo2 it's kind of shit we have to clarify this, but you know old hoes. They be mad dirty garden tools and they hate the truth feminism has worked so hard to obfuscate.

Regardless how disgusting people may find things. Discuss them in a intelligent and academic manner is something that should be done. Not doing so leads to ignorance on the subjects; especially when said things are purposely being obfuscate by certain entities (feminism and the kinks).

@Azur_Fenix @ChristiJunior @Aldo2
Exactly. It is REALLY SHITTY, that only recently have I had the misfortune of hearing just how common the horror stories are, but that's the proce of a tabu.

@Azur_Fenix @Aldo2 @LukeAlmighty 16 to 20 makes sense to me, yeah. The old Fedi claim of it being 13 struck me as pedo propaganda, or highly misleading at best.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @Azur_Fenix

I mean, my friends in school were fucking in our study area from 13 onwards lol

I remember one time going down to town with my friend, and we went another way in order to visit a hospital because they were worried about pregnancy (yeah, they were fucking that much).

they were worried about pregnancy (yeah, they were fucking that much).

👀 uuuuhhhhh? You do know once'll do it, right?

@nicholas @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty

Buncha dumb teens man haha

I think it was because they weren't using a condom at the start.

But again, mass-contraception...

@Aldo2 Far too many teenage girls have been sucking
dick since middle school and have been ruined because of it.

For more thoughts on this I refer you to NegativeXP


They should have just sucked one dick in school, and then married that guy...Like my friend in school...

Anyways, that music video is hilarious to listen to, as always haha

Whenever I see Ramona I think of Tumblristas.

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