It is not oppression when you're told you can't change in the women's locker room. It is not oppression when somebody refuses to humor your degenerate games of play pretend. It is not oppression when parents resist your efforts to corrupt the minds and bodies of their children with wacko gender perversions. This deviancy is a social pathogen that only spread as far as it did because the immune responses were being unnaturally suppressed.

@Hoss @Aldo2 saying sex is not gender is like saying any object is not the constituent parts that make up the whole of it. only the faggiest midwit retard redditors think they've hit some kind of gotcha moment with their minute technicality.

"gender is what you do not what you are!"

okay, except that what you do is directly and explicitly informed by what you are, so why are we splitting hairs here?

more fucking gay libshit dogma.


Gender is what you feel.

Sex is what you are.

What you do is not directly and explicitly informed by what you are lol

What sort of "faggy" reasoning is this?

And now I'm a gay liberal.

Lol, you make such a dogmatic statement like that, and then say that I'M the one doing the dogma-posting, lol

How old are you?

@Aldo2 "What you do is not directly and explicitly informed by what you are lol"

literally what is the fucking purpose of hormones then? they instruct your body on what it should do, and the hormones produced in your body are determined by which sex you are. remember how you all crow about mood disorders being a hormone imbalance? what happened to that line? hormones both determine how you feel, and do nothing at all, depending on which argument you want to make at any given point.

@Nudhul hormones are biology.

Hormones do not influence how someone feels.

If they did, then trans men would not need HRT.

The reason they want HRT is because they don't have enough female hormones, not because they have too much.

@Aldo2 hormones don't influence how you feel, huh? didn't know i was talking to an uber-genius able to disprove 150+ years of psychiatric and chemical science.

got any proof for that claim by the way?

@Nudhul what claim?

That men who transition clearly aren't transitioning because they have an overdose of Estrogen?

There are studies on men who have high test (e.g. bodybuilders) who transition. Are they transitioning because they have high test?

The fact that they want to take HRT is all the "proof" I need, lol

@Aldo2 if i want to kill annoying people is that proof i'm trans-warlord? you are not a serious person.

@Nudhul what?

Men with high test transition.

Does that mean that high test levels are affecting their "feelings" regarding turning trans?

By your stupid dogmatic logic, their high test levels are the reason they become trans.

I'm just reading your argument back to you, you utter retard.

@Aldo2 or, hear me out, it could be that they are lonely porn-addled degenerates trying to chase the next high.

@Nudhul lol

You do realize you just moved your own goalpost, right?


@Aldo2 how exactly? porn is a drug. viewing porn creates chemical reactions in your brain. chemicals influence how you feel. it's perfectly in line with my argument.

sorry about your illiteracy problem but i dont really care

@Nudhul porn is not hormones, you utter ingrate.

Dopamine is not a hormone.

Hormones are not just any "chemical in da brain"

Jeeeeeeesus, and you're saying I'm the one who is illiterate?

Fuckin' ey...

@Aldo2 i didnt say porn is a hormone you gay nigger

@Nudhul you're literally arguing that it has the same effect as hormones do on whether someone becomes trans you fucking colossal retard.

Are you even reading what you're writing?

No, wait, don't answer that, I know...

@Aldo2 >you're literally arguing that it has the same effect as hormones do on whether someone becomes trans you fucking colossal retard.

no? i never said that. you're a stupid gay nigger bitch faggot.

@Hoss why is this guy such a dildo?
His whole argument that hormones don't fuck with your mind is based on the premise that "high-test" bodybuilders transition at a higher rate than gen pop. You know what else bodybuilders do? Wreak absolute havoc on their endocrine systems via gear use.
@Hoss @Aldo2 yeah they have tiny little raisin balls, the primary producer of tesosterone in males. if one would retire from their bodybuilding career and suddenly find themselves in a severe testosterone deficit...

@Nudhul @Hoss

God you people do no actual research on anything, and it really shows.

You're like half-right about if they stopped taking test then they'd have low levels, but that's the point, they transition WHILE they're on test.

You don't know how any of this shit works. Gear fucks up all sorts of hormone balance in the body.

@Hoss @Nudhul


Literally just gave you another example of someone who didn't take gear and had average to high test levels and how they transitioned...

And I'm using the example that you yourself provided (bodybuilders transitioning at a higher rate than the general population) to make a very strong counterargument to your own bullshit claims that hormones don't fuck with the mind.
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