You cannot join all factions.
That is GREAT, and the thing I hate about Skyrim/Oblivion.
@LukeAlmighty @alyx this is why my best skyrim experience was doing an alternate start mod where i wasn't a dragonborn and the main story didn't exist, i just went around doing quests for people and doing the civil war stuff.
that combined with a mod to let me kill anyone meant i started doing the thieves guild quest begrudgingly to get a gem appraised but once i found out there were like 100 others i had to collect to make it worth it, i stealthily wiped out everyone in the thieves guild except a kid they had who i adopted.
@beardalaxy @alyx
Yes, that's how I play it too.
Plus Requiem of course :D
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty
I envy people who can go on killing spree's in their roleplays. I can never commit to something like that, cause I'm always concerned about missing out on quests or some dialogue down the line or something. Even when I know Bethesda is Bethesda, and important NPCs are immortal and would ultimately kill you if you as much as look the wrong way at them.
@alyx @LukeAlmighty I get into it haha, I role play the character as best as I can.
You're more like a god incarnate. A sort of Jesus. Sure you can do the equivalent of miracles, but you're not exactly immune to being killed by unbelievers.