I know it's cope, but the problem is, that if this "barely legal is pedophilia" shit spreads, then the legal age is going to raise to fucking stratosphere.
I think you seriously underestimate the fear average person holds of being called a pedo by Karren.
Hint, mere accusation does drive people to suicide. Do you think, it won't drive votes?
@NEETzsche @diresock
While you're technically correct, I don't think the change is comming as fast as you hope.
I think it’s going to take a generation. As we replace the old generation, our sensibilities become the status quo. It’s a cycle. I know I harp on about muh cycles all the time but here we are again. We’re going to have kids who think some of our ideas are backwards because they just don’t measure up to the times, times we can’t even fathom today.
@NEETzsche @diresock
The first change I have noticed about this generation is, that the way they see photography is beyond anything, I was even able to explain to my parents. And I feel so left behind.
But... Doing a professional photoshoots is a common event for them.
Well, it’s also worth noting that in some ways previous generations see vindication when their descendants call bullshit. For example, knowing how to do drywall and plumbing is more valuable than knowing how to do an Instagram photoshoot, and anybody who believes that’s “taken care of” is thinking of their 40-60 year old parents who will not be replaced when they retire for real and go to an old folks home or just croak outright.
@NEETzsche @diresock @LukeAlmighty I've got to learn a trade...I just need it to be a trade with mostly people who are chill about sexuality.
@NEETzsche @diresock @LukeAlmighty Maybe I could learn electronics and then pivot that into doing lighting work for events
@NEETzsche @diresock @LukeAlmighty The current generation (Gen Z) are the ones most into the panic culture. Pedo panic (age gaps are bad, 17 and 18 no good), violence panic (rape as a horror element is bad, GTA should not let you kill pedestrians), and probably more that I'm not aware of. It'd be about 100 years before we got anywhere, because Gen Z are the new boomers.
If she's legal, it's not pedo. Simple as that. Laws cannot be decided based on how a judge feels at the moment.
If you change the minimum age to 30, it's retarded. But the line between legal and illegal has to be binary.
I predict they will gradually raise the age of marriage and raise the age of consent but only prosecute white non jews
This will lower the birth rate for white non jews but not for Jews and non whites
Baby marriage should be illegal
Also Judaism promotes baby marriage
@shortstories @sjw
Also, don't forget about the 3rd layer. Keeping the "Romeo and Juliet" laws, to make sure, the women will get all the chad they need before they get to the marriage age.
Romeo and Juliet laws are very bad because they encourage women to pair up with men who can not be good providers
@LukeAlmighty yeah what happens when 21 is the new barely legal? We just start thinking that's creepy and rip people's nuts off for being attracted to 20 year olds?
@LukeAlmighty You also have to wonder what the actual problem is to them. Like, do they want pedos, hebes and ephebophiles to look at CSAM and youth porn or do they want them to look at last at legal age women?
They don't want do them to look at lolisho neither.
I guess it's just the same old "hurr durr, they shouldn't look at any explicit or implicit porn, because it supposedly makes it higher for them to offend" and "it normalized pedophilia" kind of arguments.
Just like this one https://monk.ey.business/notice/AbwPU9QXN7YlrytdgG
Well, these people also hate AI art, so you have your anwser right there.
It's just coping and seething.