
Debate with Zelinsky:
First thing Destiny comments on:
But why isn't the interviewer critisizing Russia?

3rd thing he says:
But why isn't the interviewer thinking about Putin?

Niddle of conversation:
Shouldn't he be blaming Russia instead?

Is Zelinsky even in the room, or are you just looking at Putin's shadow? Does Zelinsky even posess free will? Can he possibly do a bad moral action at this point?

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Because watching people I agree with can get boring much faster,

But this insane guy still thinks he's so informed.... It's so interesting to see, just how deformed the tool of logic can get, when abused so much to push evil.

@LukeAlmighty He's lost all credibility as a "logical thinker" long ago, I should think.

Yes, he is a pathetic loser.
But, don't forget, that an average argument from leftie sounds like:
But the definition of systematic pre-patriarichal post-capitalist pseudo-genderqueen pan words makes this racist from a pre-natal .......... So FUCK YOU, YOU DESERVE DEATH!!! HOW DARE YOU SAY, THAT YOU LIKE PIZZA?

So, Destiny still is in the top 1 percent when it comes to explaining the insanity of the left.

@LukeAlmighty Putin is their god, and as any jews, they simultaneously worship him and fear him, literally everything they say is them coping with this

@LukeAlmighty Am I understanding this right, are you watching Destiny? Are your neurons ok? I'm worried for you.

Do you realize, that I am on Fedi?
What in the world could have possibly brought you to believe, that my neurons could anywhere close to ok?

@LukeAlmighty Good point. Still, I refuse to subject myself to people like Destiny directly. If he says something even close to being important or interesting, I know there will be more sane people I follow that will cover him. That's more than enough exposure for me.

Don't worry, I don't watch him much either, but from time to time, the other content dries up, and I give him a quick look.

And he I usually switch after 15 min max, since he's really bad at explaining shit.

Ok... I said that incorrectly.
He might be ok at explaining shit. But his world view is so flat, that you coulddn't walk on it without slipping.

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