@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
Make a thread of it if you ever do. But I just don't see a normal person doing it. Even if you starved yourself prior, I don't see that much fitting in a normal stomach of someone who isn't a fat fuck.
@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
There's a lot cropped out of that screenshot, you do know that right?
@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
Hmm... maybe I'm misremembering. Still, I know I can't eat that much, and I'm no manlet.
@graf @alyx @coolboymew
Ok, I will do it, but it would be nice, to get a steam game out of it at least :D
@graf @LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
I could see myself forcing a second order of fries, and maybe a second portion of nuggets. More drinks could be feasible if I get to use the bathroom.
@alyx @graf @coolboymew
4 Colas will be the real challange :D
@LukeAlmighty @graf @coolboymew
All 4, I don't see it happening for myself. But usually soda goes through me real quick, so maybe if I open with a drink, by the time I eat most of what I can, my body will piss it out.
@Sir_Ivissia @LukeAlmighty @graf @coolboymew @tomey
Don't worry, you can pay with your sanity.
@meowski @alyx @graf @coolboymew @tomey
What the fuck is corn syrup?
@meowski @alyx @graf @coolboymew @tomey
So, that's why noone in here is afraid of the cola.
Problems with (too much) dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake. The brain seeking novelty and not getting it from activities will float to other activities, like eating.
@alyx @LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
@nugger @alyx @coolboymew
Yes, it is... When you live in Somalia
@LukeAlmighty @nugger @coolboymew
Uhmmm... no. That actually is a 4 person meal. Are you.... related by any chance to Moviebob?
@alyx @LukeAlmighty @nugger @coolboymew it is not unusual for people who are active in working out to eat a shit ton of this for dirty bulking.
My buddy is absolutely massive and when we go out for lunch he gets the family deal that feeds like 4 people. These people are on very high calorie diets to sustain their builds.
@nugger @LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
I haven't eaten at McDonalds in forever, so I have no idea how their sizes work, but I count at least 13 nuggets in each portion, if that helps.
@lina @alyx @nugger @coolboymew
For the rules, I will show them the picture, and tell them "this".
@lina @alyx @nugger @coolboymew
So, that there are no arguments about the exact names of each item.
@lina @alyx @nugger @coolboymew
I am afraid to even ask?
@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
Maybe we're underestimating your weight.
@alyx @coolboymew
So yeah. You were correct, and I was WAY too wrong.
@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
TBH, I'm kinda sad about that. I was ready to laugh my ass off that you managed to pull it off.
@alyx @coolboymew
1) these burgers were double the size of what I expected
2) I never had McNuggets.
They have to be their most disgusting product I've ever had.
@alyx @coolboymew
You're joking right?