sanic 3 

WTF? I was looking forward to sperging with you over how great it is.


sanic 3 

@LukeAlmighty they made a fart comedy out of the most dramatic storyline in Sonic media

sanic 3 

I was unironically shocked, that they managed to keep the romantic plotline intact, and treat it with the insane respect it got. They also kept shadow the edgehog as depressed as I know him (although, I know nothing about him). I really believed, that this combo would be seriously unadaptable, yet they did so without hesetation.

When it comes to slapstick, I found the "male body positivity" quite refreshing, and still even the worst joke didn't aproach nearly the cringe of S2 fortnite dance. But, I also see, that ending a fight by butt poke is kinda beyond the line for such a serious moment in the story.

sanic 3 

@LukeAlmighty no they didn't

they missed the tiny itty bitty key plot detail, that Maria was supposed to be a sick child, isolated in a sterile environment, in fucking space, never able to touch grass in the most literal sense, never to feel wind on her skin, with no known friends other than a single kid whom she treated like a little brother, and no way to step foot on a planet which will literally kill her... and she loves it nonetheless
when she's running from GUN, she knows that she's doomed either way, and yet, even after being dealt a very bad hand from birth, even after being quite literally shot, she isn't bitter or resentful
she just asks Shadow to take care of the little blue ball of death she loves so much

im the movie she's just a regular happy-go-lucky healthy kid on fucking roller skates, I have no idea why she even got attached to the edgelord

UH HUH :feelsbadman:

sanic 3 

@matana @LukeAlmighty that's the main issue I had with the movie as well, but I still think it was a fun movie.

sanic 3 

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty it wasn't supposed to be fun

children should've been leaving crying, dead inside a little, but getting a little bit more mature in a healthy way from experience

or maybe not to that extreme degree, but still, they did attempt drama in the end, after already fucking up entire pacing with "haha funny"

and kids were laughing even at the very end and we got Tails literally explaining what happened and how everyone should be sad, and then almost instantly back to funni comedy and heartwarming family fun!

"but it's for kids!"

yeah, so was Sonic Adventure 2

sanic 3 

@matana @LukeAlmighty I can definitely see where you're coming from but I still enjoyed it nonetheless and I think it was the best of the 3 movies.

Tbh I didn't cry at anything when I was a kid, but I do as an adult because certain things hit a little harder with age. I may or may not have had to suck up my tears in the theater so that my friend wouldn't notice lol.

sanic 3 

Oh... Yeah, in that case, I really didn't know enough lore to hate it. :astolfoqt:
But that's really trash then :Asuka_Reee:

sanic 3 

And I would forget.............
Vertical Akira slide :MatsuriCoom:

sanic 3 

@LukeAlmighty Shadow mostly dodged cringe, that's pretty much the only positive thing

sanic 3 

@LukeAlmighty you could count Sonic Adventure 2 as my special interest, something I love dearly, and have many fond memories of, and enjoy even 20 years later, and can hold long speeches of pure condensed autism about it

and they didn't even name it in the credits

neither did they name authors of some musical tracks which were in the game originally

they even fucked up Live and Learn

how the fuck did they fuck up perfection

sanic 3 

@LukeAlmighty I dunno, really, should I even write an autistic gigapost or should I even bother, because the movie commits the same sin of all modern mainstream media: it is afraid to be sincere and is hiding behind ill-placed "haha funni" tiktok shorts

and if it isn't sincere, why should I be, even if only to screech

re: sanic 3 

@matana @LukeAlmighty The lack of sincerity is probably because they are aware that normalfags cannot comprehend the idea of a serious story being told with anthropomorphic characters. Even though the Sonic series is very flexible and works with in-depth plots (this could be my bias coming out since I was a mega Sonic autist). They have serious empathy problems and can't relate to characters that aren't exactly like them, thus the whole "representation" movement recently.

A normalfag sees a grown man in spandex shooting lasers out of his eyes and they say "wow, so cool". But a hedgehog talking about his feelings? "lol wtffff is this, chat? *fake shocked face* Why are the *twerks* talking animals *checks phone notifications* acting like all serious and shit? Only le Marvel movies can do that!" And so to cater to this audience, who will spend money on pretty much anything as long as it's socially accepted, they hedge (pun intended) their bets by putting in lots of moments of "oh no it's not that serious, it's all in good fun, just wacky antics here!" That way they don't feel like they're watching "cringe."

That's my theory.

re: sanic 3 

@bruhmomento @LukeAlmighty mahvel, being capeshit, traditionally is pretty close to "talking anthropomorphic animals" on a cringe scale, and even with what they call now josswhedonisms, the movies could be very sincere

in fact, my worst movie going experience was when Endgame was airing, and the theatre was full of normies who flat out didn't give a shit and were mostly busy chatting in their phones and being normies overall; they just went there because it was The Popular Thing

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