Mort gets very nervous when the local Quahog PTA bans all the gay pornography books available in the elementary school library :lul:

Carter does a top 10 list of his least favorite human racial slurs


Carter Repeats his least favorite racial slur 100 times

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 2

Carter lists the top 10 reasons why Libertarian guys with Asian wives is the most American thing ever

lois uses meg as a reason to support abortion. everyone is horrified. lois doesn't feel remorse

Carter gives a detailed explanation on why futanari x female is the straightest type of hentai

Quagmire lists the top 5 public places to discretely lick women

Carter is a a pastor and prophet of "The Church of Racism"

Chris lists his top five favorite glass objects to shove up his ass

carter explains that burning furries at the stake is mega based

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@matrix I hate AI conceptually but it did good work here

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