After taking down the Christmas lights it started fucking snowing
Bruh, you should know better then give up on winter before the end of January.
@LukeAlmighty tell that to my dad
@matrix You have snow?! You lucky bastard. I've consistently had temps between 5-10C since around Christmas. In a few days, we're supposed to get up to 14C. I challenge any climate change denier to explain how the fuck am I getting temps 15 to 20 degrees C higher than normal for this period of time in my country.
It's not like I haven't seen gentle winters before, but this year has been ridiculous.
@alyx Yes, but it's not that much and if I remember correctly it's only the second snowfall this winter
@matrix We had one snow fall, but the ground was too warm anyway, so none of it lasted. It just melted on contact.
@matrix at least it wasn't snowing while you were taking them down lol
It still hasn't really snowed a whole lot here yet, only up in the mountains. Can't complain too much though, we're only a few weeks into winter. I know it'll probably end up snowing in July for some fucking reason anyway.