@matrix ruby will always hold a soft spot in my heart for being what rpg maker used as its scripting back in the day.
@beardalaxy @matrix Never tried it, but it's probably better than the JS cancer they are using now.
@beardalaxy @matrix The problem with JS is that it probably uses something like Electron to turn it into a desktop application, which means that it's just basically bundling Chromium with a bunch of HTML and JS files into an executable file. Your program is basically dependent on Google and even though Chromium and Blink are open-source, I don't know a single viable fork of it and I highly doubt that RPG Maker is using that.
It's also my main beef with C# right now because Microsoft basically has full control over both implementations of the language (.NET and Mono). I don't really care about the practical side of things because I know that lower-level languages are hard, but there are some ethical concerns with languages that are controlled by the likes of Microsoft or Google.
@beardalaxy @matrix I know it's not FOSS, but people have tried to make FOSS compilers for proprietary engines. I know GameMaker has (or used to have) a FOSS compiler known as ENIGMA. But GameMaker software is cross-compiled to Delphi (or at least it used to). If someone were to make a libre compiler for RPG Maker they might have to also use Google's JS engine unless someone creates a better alternative.
@xianc78 @matrix little off topic but there's actually a foss replacement for rpg maker 2000/2003 called easy rpg that you can plug your game into. It's pretty sweet.