Gender is what you feel.
Sex is what you are.
What you do is not directly and explicitly informed by what you are lol
What sort of "faggy" reasoning is this?
And now I'm a gay liberal.
Lol, you make such a dogmatic statement like that, and then say that I'M the one doing the dogma-posting, lol
How old are you?
@Nudhul hormones are biology.
Hormones do not influence how someone feels.
If they did, then trans men would not need HRT.
The reason they want HRT is because they don't have enough female hormones, not because they have too much.
@Nudhul what claim?
That men who transition clearly aren't transitioning because they have an overdose of Estrogen?
There are studies on men who have high test (e.g. bodybuilders) who transition. Are they transitioning because they have high test?
The fact that they want to take HRT is all the "proof" I need, lol
@Nudhul what?
Men with high test transition.
Does that mean that high test levels are affecting their "feelings" regarding turning trans?
By your stupid dogmatic logic, their high test levels are the reason they become trans.
I'm just reading your argument back to you, you utter retard.
@Nudhul porn is not hormones, you utter ingrate.
Dopamine is not a hormone.
Hormones are not just any "chemical in da brain"
Jeeeeeeesus, and you're saying I'm the one who is illiterate?
Fuckin' ey...
@Nudhul you're literally arguing that it has the same effect as hormones do on whether someone becomes trans you fucking colossal retard.
Are you even reading what you're writing?
No, wait, don't answer that, I know...
No it's not.
Hormones don't affect "feelings" regarding transitioning.
I then said that people with high test also transition, using some bodybuilders as an example.
The point is that hormones don't make one transition. If they did, then trans people wouldn't need more hormones now, would they?