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Aldo boosted

yeah, antis are deranged.

I think pedophiles who don't actually want to harm kids etc... etc... don't want to "come clean" (to use your term) because of, well, obvious reasons.

The point I'm making is that antis are deranged for thinking "14 + 17 = pedophila", but lolicons are just as retarded saying things like "ew, I can't believe you find that 14 year old girl attractive, you're a pedo, hang him!!!" while jacking it to realistically drawn 4 year olds...

Antis are in another loony world. (Many) Lolicons are in denial about their tendencies. They use "it's just an image" as a mask.

Aldo boosted

It's funny how the combat footage reddit page or whatever provides better real-time coverage of what is going on than either mainstream meteor side...

Aldo boosted

Wow, Serbia being the one cool head in the room atm...

...That's new...

Aldo boosted
Aldo boosted

Ours is not to reason why, ours but to do and die.

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Aldo boosted
Aldo boosted

Reminder that if the job opportunity seems too good to be true, then it probably is...

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Aldo boosted
Aldo boosted

Sure, he was basically *spits* AnCom, but as time goes on, especially considering the recent (soft) totalitarian controls getting put in place, I'm more drawn to his style of Anarchism...

There's a solidarity honk protest outside parliament going on.

I can hear it from my room...

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