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Aldo boosted

"What is your name?"

"Nikolay Ivanovich...Belichenko. I'm also Khokhol, and those Khokhols, those bitches, they shell us. But I've been living here for 60 years"

Full interview starts at 19:00.

The first Leopard II to be confirmed destroyed in Ukraine was lost without even firing a shot.

Aldo boosted

Tfw Albanians are so bad that even the United Wokedom decides to go full-Nazi

Once more, Serbia has been vindicated 🇷🇸

Western alliances : *Backstabbing, betrayal, spying, bad deals, exploitation, degeneration*

Eastern alliances:

So, Bakhmut is finally captured by Russia, and we get crickets from the "free-press" Western media.

All we get is gloating about F-16s and more money to Ukraine.

"I will make a sortie, flying over those calm clouds in a peaceful emotion. I can think about neither life nor death. A man should die once, and no day is more honorable than today to dedicate myself for the eternal cause... ...I will go to the front smiling. On the day of the sortie too, and forever"

Aldo boosted

“My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials, can you say the same?”

A very strange article to be coming out of the BBC.

They first state that the U.S. representative who made an unfounded remark issued an apology.

But then they call a South African MP who criticized the "bullyish" nature of the United States "bullish".

Then they try to provide evidence affirming the claim from the U.S. representative that said representative just apologized for.

Then they end by saying "well, South Africa is closer to the West, sooo.....And if they don't then we'll wreck their economy".

I think the Elite are in full schizo-mode atm. Nothing they say makes sense. All their lies are coming apart at the same time, and they can't stick them back together with more lies (as they did before).

Even in their ideal World, who do they think will have the best qualifications or even be the ones applying for a "policing" role?

Certainly not baristas.

Most likely vets or people who otherwise know how to deal with physical confrontations.

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