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theres an instance dedicated to vore, there needs to be an instance dedicated to my fetish too

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quick, someone suggest me a pleroma instance focused on cute guys dressing like girls and fucking either cute girls dressed like guys or cartoon animals. please. I'd even take a mastodon instance at this point. maybe even a gab or soapbox instance

@dave @matrix My suspicion is actually that bisexuality is just more common than people think.

But yeah lol traps are the totes ghey.

Being bisexual and dating a same-sex partner is basically like God saying to you, "You know, you don't need to be gay. I'm giving you a choice here. You could live your life, acting perfectly straight, and go to Heaven. You can literally choose to be straight, instead of sinning."
Then stone cold looking him dead in the eyes and saying "No."

Stans are just Stands for people too poor to afford the D.

tfw you don't even realize which account you're posting on

Snakes can be white. So, what kind of blasphemy are you advocating for here? Are you trying to erase the existence of white snakes? 😂 @Galena @Hierophant

"ok to boost?" is a secret meta strategy in speedrunning Fedi clout.

@CocoCoconuts Thanks for the question, sir. Okay, so it's hard to put together my feelings about shrimp. They're small and weak, but they're also not Nazis, so I'd say I'm pretty neutral about them.

@progo @dave Bitchute is in my opinion pointless. Setting aside the hideous UI and infuriatingly bad android app.

Then its just what, another centralized service? Everyone thought gab was going to be this great free speech thing but it turned out just to be "Speech the owner likes" in the same way that youtube is. Bitchute will eventually cave to either the egos of its owners or outside pressure. Anything that isn't decentralized/federated is doomed to human frailty.

So if people are using womxxn, does that mean i get to be an xmyn?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.