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Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

Did more of the funny girl except older
she didn't only grew in size but became an even bigger pervert

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Jazzy boosted

I love seeing nonfollowbackers misery, and then I check and see they're nonfollowbackers and I laugh and then unfollow them

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FO3 Miranda and Bryan Wilks
SS rimjob

Join my Substar for early access and Exclusive art that isn't found on Fanbox!
Plus Much more!

zoocat is like the only one who interacts with my cuteposts anymore so I'm going to propose to zoocat and if they don't want to be internet husbands than I give up on this timeline

I'm old as fuck but bitches still think I'm 15 because of how I posy like wtf bitch I post based style not some little teeny weeny I'm a based grandad (soon enough I'll be in that age range)

Yall nighas ain even my feens n sheet I swear yall r embarrassed by me or somin

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted



@Aldo2 I've seen data that says a concerning rate of the kind of investigators who have to look at the actual videos get "addicted" (if someone reads comics, likes them, then reads more, would it be called addiction? No. It's called addiction to give them a moral out, claiming they were helpless victims to their addiction, since addiction is a medical issue not a moral one.).

I hate normies who are mean to good-hearted maps who do nothing but look at art and talk with other adults

Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted
Jazzy boosted

End gang warfare. No more nations. No more races. No more religious wars. Fund nonlethal nonharmful weapons, any and all violent individuals will be shot with foam guns like the incredible hulk.

@themilkman Also it comes from their retarded ass tradition (one that died out in the mainstream by the 50s I'd guess, because poorer cultures have older fashioned lingo, it's a historically studied fact) of using outdated language, from their point of view "female" is more respectful than "woman" because in their minds a "woman" is only someone who does not have her virginity, but when speaking to an adult it would be rude to say "girl", and so they say "female".

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.