eugenicists (& co) using "darwinism" as an excuse completely ignore what evolution *actually is*

actual evolution isn't a moral statement, it's not what "should be", it's a description of what *is*, it's just what happens in nature

eugenicists view evolution from a prescriptive lens, and that's just not how any of it works, just because lifeforms adapt to external stimuli over generations doesn't mean we have the right to choose what traits are "better"

I am sorry, but I still disagree.
Just, because natural adaptations to environment do happen, doesn't mean we should just give up. In fact, I would argue the oposite. We owe it to our kids to make sure they do not get bad genes.

And modern medicine makes this much worse. Since, we can support much more sick people, this is literally unsustainable process, because every sick person who does manage to reproduce thanks to insane drugs will have even sicker kids who will need even more drugs to survive.

@LukeAlmighty that doesn't address anything i said in my post

before someone can even begin to think about whether to not pass "bad genes", there needs to be criteria to determine what actually makes a gene "bad", and it is not possible to create an objective definition of it (meaning each person making that decision would just base it on their own biases)

And I don't see what's bad about that.
I even hear women say, that they don't want kids, because they don't want to pass their genes.

Why there "not being an objective and scientific standart" is a valid argument for you? There is no such standart to set, what do I want to eat today. But I still don't feel guilty in choosing burger over pizza.

@LukeAlmighty the difference is what food you eat affects *you*, while reproduction also affects your offspring

i don't care about what people do to *themselves*, but when it comes to affecting other people, there needs to be an objective reason to do it

There is no objective measure of when you should offer healthcare to people.

Is there a treatment, that is too expensive for a single person? How do you set that limit?


>There is no objective measure of when you should offer healthcare to people

there is, you always should, then every person can choose to accept it or not (and at that point it stops being about affecting others, so it can be subjective)

Congratulations, you will literallydestroy the society to give Soros another week on his 33rd heart transplant.

@LukeAlmighty that isn't even remotely how transplants work, no matter how much money you have, or how you got that money, you won't last long enough for that

as you age, your entire body ages, including your brain, which is impossible to transplant, but even before then you're likely to die of an emergency where you aren't able to find a compatible donor in time anyway

also, specifically using soros as an example in a thread about eugenics is shady lmao

> also, specifically using soros as an example in a thread about eugenics is shady lmao

Goodbye. If you cannot engage with the discussion without trying some dumb shaming, you aren't worth talking to ever again.

@LukeAlmighty @nep the vast majority of health issues people actually have is all self-induced. Alcoholism and obesity being the two biggest ones.

@luwa @nep
Are you drunk?
This is the dumbest whataboutism I've seen since the bear.

@LukeAlmighty @nep I didn't really read the thread tbf

I'm simply saying that 'good genes' is silly. 99.99% of everyones genes are totally fine, and instead of some weird ethnic cleansing thing happening, what really needs to happen is people need to cut cigarettes, cut most alcohol (all would be best), and watch their diet. Do those and we'd be in better shape then any point in human history. No reproductive evolution, blah blah shit needed

@luwa @nep
I see... You are totally wrecked.

See you once the drugs wear out.

@LukeAlmighty @nep Your brain is cooked bro. You basically can't disagree with what I just said. You CAN say that even if we did that it wouldn't be far enough for you, but to say "You are totally wrecked." is absurd lmao

@luwa @nep
Yes, you are wrecked.
There is a conversation about eugenics, and your productive help is "but muh alcohol".

Get a life bro.

@LukeAlmighty @nep Because i'm saying that eugenics is largely irrelevant because 99.9% of people are healthy 'genetically' and I listed x,y,and z steps to fix half the issues people have which cause them to experience negative health effects.
@LukeAlmighty @luwa @nep Like what specific genetic disorder do you want to eradicate that is in the population? Autism may have some genetic component, but I don't believe we can really make a value judgement based on a genetic markers or even really know where on the spectrum someone may lie until they are older. Tay Sachs kids simply just die regardless. Downs Sydrome is "genetic", but having an extra chromosome they don't often pass on.

Other than that, it just seems like we could make people slightly taller on average, but I'm not sure if that would translate into "health" since it doesn't really for dog and horse breeds. Logistically, I don't know how we would accomplish this outside of some hukou system (which I am open to, but for other reasons). Luwa's health advice seems like the simplest solution for a healthier population overall.
@LukeAlmighty @luwa @nep Plus, after checking you page, if you didn't like the covid lockdown I can't imagine you would like the government controlling who you could breed with so I don't really understand what you are advocating for. If you just want a high infant mortality rate then you can move to a different country.
@rach @nep @LukeAlmighty And this also ignores the fact that exercise, little to no alcohol, good diet, and no smoking absolutely do have an effect on genetics. I mean drinking alcohol while pregnant literally causes fetal alcohol syndrome.
@luwa @nep @LukeAlmighty Yeah and I get why "let's not have public sanitation to make der ubermensch" seems like a good idea in 1930, but in reality you would just make our water supply infested with fecal matter and having a bunch of dead children is a fair trade off to "maybe we selected for immunity to shit water". I don't see why we want people to be immune to shit water when we could just clean it.
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