@tomie @matrix
What's so bad about playing as post-menopausal women?

I don't get the commotion.


@tomie @matrix
She looks like a completely healthy 60yo to me. An incompetent one, especially for a witcher, but the look is fine.

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@LukeAlmighty @tomie @matrix if she's supposed to be like 50 then yeah that's fine. i hate the look of the graphics more than anything else, just looks exactly like every other fucking modern rendering pipeline and i'm really getting sick of it. this shit is worse than the piss filter of ~2010 because at least you could use mods to just remove the filter.

@beardalaxy @tomie @matrix
Yes, they switched to Unreal engine.
A really bad choice, if you ask me. If they include TAA + Ray tracing combo, I am afraid the final game might be too noisy for me to play.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie @matrix it's really puzzling to me that they are leaving redengine behind when they used it to make the best looking game this generation, and have continued adding graphical features into it that other games either don't have or don't utilize correctly. i fully expect witcher 4 to be chock full of traversal stutters and fucked up, blurry rendering.

i think the main reason is that it's just hard to develop in and unreal engine is easier, leading to lower development costs and a more polished game at the end or whatever. it's just going to look and run like slop though probably. my hopes are not high. and that's even before considering any dumb writing decisions.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie @matrix also, just wanted to say because i can't not bring it up, at least this ciri is aged up instead of them going back and fucking up her younger model like ellie from tlou.

@LukeAlmighty @tomie @matrix i haven't seen the trailer yet but this image popped up on x and it definitely looks better

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