I'm kind of surprised how cheap Nintendo stock is but then I learned that basically investors go off of their revenue growth but the japanese/nintendo way of business is more about reinvesting it into the company for further growth which turns shareholders off.

But in my opinion it just sounds like a good idea to buy some stock into it because it will almost always be stable and I can never really see Nintendo going out of business.

It's kind of like Ford stock in my opinion, the stock will go up a few dollars and go down but it's just stable. Any other opinions about it?

What you hit on is one of two critiques of modern capitalism, that commiers are too stupid to ever understand :D

@LukeAlmighty it'd be like that.

Also did some further research and the other reason is cheaper is because Nintendo controls so much of the market supposedly that everyone assumes that they don't really have any future growth.

Where as someone who is an avid video game enjoyer I know that is complete bullshit they control a sizable chunk of the market for children but for gaming as a whole they're not even fucking close to controlling it.

Legitimately epic games probably has a bigger share of the market due to the sheer size of fortnite.

One of the things, that I think really pushes Nintendo forward is, that they truly understand how to keep a franchize alive.

Ubisoft execs know, that everyone is begging them for a new splinter cell. Yet, all we got from Sam Fisher in past 10 years were... 2 cameos?

On the other hand, Nintendo put's Mario and Luigi into EVERYTHING. And even, when there was some series quite down (Like Metroid), they did push it HARD when they reviewed it.

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter >nintendo truly understands how to keep a franchise alive
>all we got from sam fisher in the past 10 years were 2 cameos


@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter
Did they reviwe Metroid few years ago?

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@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter metroid other m was in 2010
then you had a 7 year gap until metroid 2 remake. then another 4 until dread, 2 until mp1 remaster, hopefully mp4 this year. so that's a decent time between mainline games but overall not too shabby.

star fox zero came out in 2016. bone dry ever since. break's metroid's absent spell. 9 years. on top of that, star fox zero was both a rehash of 64 and a

none are as bad as f-zero though. f-zero's last game was in 2004. and no, f-zero 99 does not count.

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