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Yes, I did fell for the bait of this picture, but seriously, I am deeply insulted by what it says.

Because, I seriously believe, that Cute and Elegant are much more important then whatever the middle whore is supposed to be.
(Obviously, the artist drew all 3 quite bad, but the message is clear)

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What it feels like comming to work in the morning during an AI revolution

Can we take a moment to apreciate this brave hero who was not afraid to say his opinion in the most stunning show possible?

I hope the left is full of more such great men, who will be remembered across history.

> And the cops knocked the camera out. Genious!!!

What are you laughing at? What do you think you're watching you brainless pig? Do you want cops to be hiding their actions? Do you actually think that is ok?

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I cannot believe my own eyes.
Bethesda seriosuly doesn't understand the ghoul lore. And what's worse is, that Simpsons described ghouls perfectly, INCLUDING BETHESDA'S RESPONSE!!!

So, let me get this straight.
A tech company created an AI powered badge cellphone for 700 dollars, but they DIDN'T make it in a shape of an A......

Come on man... How stupid do modern companies have to be to miss out on this oportunity?

What is the design of tiled wall called?

We have the same thing in Praha metro, and it looks futuristic as fuck.

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Imagine building a lagacy this enormous only to be ruined by a person you love... :kekw:

No matter what he does now, he will not be remembered as a great movie star, but as a cuck.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.