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Watching the reviews of Steam deck clones is hilarious, because literally all the clones make the same mistakes.

All of them have a ridiculously ugly and clunky UI. I would get, if one of them had the error, but all of them literally the same problems????

Not to mention, that Valve made it perfect on the first try?

> I can almost see the MSI, ROG etc engineers all going through this scene for the last few years :omegalul:

This is kinda tragic.
There used to be MANY traditions to casually point out avaiable singles to each other. Another such tradition is the wedding ring for example. Yet, how many people do wear them for the fasion itself?

As a society, we saw all the hard build traditions made to facilitate what at the time seemes trivial, and we said "fuck that, we can do better". Well, it seems, that we can't.

Out of all recent Fallout properties:
4, 76, shelter and the TV show.

I cannot believe I say this, but Fallout shelter is the best one, without any question.

You are an evil fasist, if you value property over human life.

The same liberals, when I value Ukraian life over their land

What does this even mean?
Why do you think, that this is the difference between a good and bad person to God?

How low can the PUAs get? 

This guy is literally advertising a penis pump now. I wish I was joking

130 euros for a SP game
Yeah, I think I'll just play some 10yo game instead.

BTW, one of the things that made x3 click a lot differently then the x4 was the hangar size.

You cannot talk about scale of ships, when you literally ignore the size of fighter. And these ships were pushing the efficiency all humans love so much into an extreme.

I had to use a magnetar to protect my trading fleet with a rapid response jump-engine powered micro-fleet. It was a great tool, since it allowed me thanks to the briliant command structure of x3 to jump into a sector, and immediatelly tell all 4 fighters to sprint into the battle and protect my trading ships.

But, this ship class simply no longer exists. Why? Because the X4 wanted to add much wider allowance to their hangars. But with a gigantic hangars, the scale is lost again.

Yes, I do get, that ranking ships as M1,M2,M7,M6,M8,M3,M4,M5,TL,TM,TS and TP might have been a bit of an overkill, but now, they are just small, medium large and extra large. And that is the other extreme.

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I owe this game an apology.
Yes, the controls is 10 times worse then in the previous one, but what I thought to be THE dumbest feature does in fact make the game SO MUCH better.

The walking mode is annoying 90 percent of the time, but then, it fucking hits you like a truck with breathtaing visuals, that make you immersed in a way, that has to be absolutely unique in all of gaming.

Let's go finish the robot planets. The bugs will wait. No need to worry about them.

This is such a breathtaking design 😭

I truly love these women, who can create beauty that I couldn't even think of.

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