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Worst Attack on Titan ending 

Can you imagine, just how fucked the humanity would be, if this monstrocity turned into a titan?

Wait a fucking minute...
Do you want to tell me, that we have ACTUALLY built a structure, that can unironically be seen from the space?

Joan of Arc was a young woman, who through her determination inspired people to fight for her cause. Her divine inspiration made her into a hystorical figure despite her yourng age and the fact, that she herself never actually fought a single battle.

This is your hero:

The curse of Undead chronic is real. The guy comes to debate him, and this is literally the first thing that comes out of his mouth.

If your kid has a soul, you are already a cuck.

Briliant logic of modern PUAs.
(Also, this time, I won't throw it on christians, because I know most of you aren't THIS retarded.)

What the fuck?
This is extortion. How immoral can you be to hold them hostage like this?

Ganandorf is so unrealistic.
Always born as a gerudo? Imagine, if a person from one country was always responsible for global threats!!!

Is this the biggest plot hole in Attack on Titan? 

What do you mean airplane?
No, seriously... What the fuck do you mean by an airplane? Because that is literally one of the biggest technological jumps in the last century, and a total solution to the Titan problem (pre-colosal era, obviously) Not to mention, that if they have any kind of an airplane, they should have no problem finding the sea.

Gotta love how Google is guessing what exact context am I actually looking for

I am not gonna lie, I am quite proud of this one, even though, it's just the first act.

Wait... Was Destiny always this retarded?

I mean... He does have a dumb take from time to time, but he literally doesn't understand a concept of "if you don't kill a kid, in 12 years, he grows up to a 12 year old kid"

This is just unbelievable...
I think I am finally starting to understand that religion. And somehow, it isn't exactly comarable to christianity in any tangable way.

Ok, it's confirmed.
There was at least 1 competent developer left at Ubisoft at some point in production. :omegalul:

How do the community managers keep getting away with it?

This isn't the first time, this isn't even the 10th. At some point, people should realize, that hiring woke activists is goint to literally tank years of work on even the most ambitious projects out there.

Oh, you libertarians are sooooo smart.

Well, anwser me this mr. liberty uber alles. If I were to drop you in the middle of the desert with noone to oppress you, would you enjoy this "freedom" with noone to oppress you?

Ok... how about one of the best action comedies last decade, based entierly around male competitiveness?

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I would like to make a joke about women invading male spaces, but let's be honest.
Even when a movie was made about a male specific issue, the sequel inevitably has a woman in the main role.

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