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I just spent 20 minutes reading comments on IG about the famous coffee burn case.

And even after years of education, Burgers still don't know that coffee is hot.

The tax payed commedy series called Nádraží was an unexpected gem. Not, because it was insanely funny. It was just average commedy .

Nah... I see it as a total gem, because literally all of its humor was based around racist stereotypes.

State enforced racism... Now, that is the Czech republic I love

Me: Can I use this apartment for a lan party?

Mom: But I am afraid. What will you do after guests are drugged out of their mind?

Me, who literally never smoked pot, barely had 3 cigarettes in life etc:

Even a fucking year after the incident, the Česká Televize is still celebrating the mass shooting in Prague.

These psychopaths want to scare childern and seniors into destroying any liberty we have, as well as offer future killers years of fame.

Ok... it seems even black women are now only allowed the one same haircut as their men.

Me after I started a new life service mobile game, and even after 8+ hours of clicking, I still didn't get through the begginer's hell of instant wins and HOURS of cutscenes.

Oh, so you're telling me, that the game isn't on Steam yet?

Fuck it... I am playing it on main monitor anyway...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.