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So, I decided to watch yet another 3 hour long Starship Troopers video, and as always, I cannot believe the depths of mind-twist these people have.

The "satire" in the movie was bad... Really bad. But there were some scenes, that did shine through. For instance, the scene, where you can see blatant brainwashing and fanatization of mother with childern. Laughing her brains out about a thought of just some random non-dangerous bugs being killed. This scene is pure satire.......

Yet, the youtuber called this scene an HONEST representation trying to APPEAL to fasists.

I really wish I could see into their brains, but under each layer of insanity, there is only more insanity.

This is why I hate videogames, because this is what it does. It appeals to the male fantasy.

I don't get it. Women get so much worse things then compliments, so why complain about the one thing, that is actually good?

Danuše Nerudová konečně vymyslela jak spravit náš průmyls. Jediné, co je potřeba je člověk s jaderným reaktorem v hrudi...

Proboha, jak mohl kdokoliv volit takovou kachnu nikdy nepochopím.

This is the most retarded description of any phenomena I have ever read.

So, there is no 1 way to think. Ok.
Neurodiversity is, when you think different way, then the one that doesn't exist. :blobhuh:
Oh, it also include people who are gifted :pepeDread:
And obviously people who are retarded :kekw:

Thank you... Now I feel absolutely informed.

How am I always the weirdo, when there are people like this out there?

You can complain about AI all you want, but sometimes, it's just briliant.

I didn't think dress shirts could possibly get more sexy, and then I see this.

I haven't have sich of a blast with a show for years. I might even guess a fucking decade. It's so briliant.

It|s here...
Did I miss some important game?
VR and best soundtrack are completely open for suggestions.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.