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Neboj, protialkoholové komouše nebudu volit ani když mě budou na Mastodonu prosit.

I am so looking forward to winter, when all the bugs die off again

I can fix 3 of them, but I seriously don't think anyone can fix Revy.

I hate midwits.
> But muh data....
Data is literally the most useless thing in the world, unless you can confirm how it was collected, and how can you interpret it. Why do most midwits fail to understand the old saying about data?

There are lies... Awful lies... And then, there are statistics.

Exactly. They are just empty balls of sugar with no substance or flare.

just tried a macaroon for the first time in my life. wtf the french can't even make cookies correctly these suck.

Dear Mr. Fly.
I have such a beautiful apartment. I have some free food in the trash bin, if you want? How about my dirty toalet with it's 1000 smell mystery? B ut un this beautiful hotel that charges no fees, could you PLEASE land anywhere else, EXCEPT FOR MY FUCKING FACE?

Meanwhile, I have to fucking learn an entierly new Danmei vocabulary now...

Fuck you China, you're only winning, because the rest of the world ain't playing.

I will not have it, because you keep switching between the common core being rigid (what I claim) and abstract (what the article claims.)

I did.
I said, that it is a rigid set of long systems, that postpone childern's understanding and ability to abstract mathematical problems.

And other articles say, that feminism is a movement for equal rights between men and women.

> The old-school way millennial parents were taught involved putting one on top of the other and carrying, if necessary. Now, students are encouraged to rethink how they arrange the numbers.

This particular sentence is what makes me pretty sure we don't agree though.

If that was your point, then sure.

But that was not what I was complaining about.

> I'm saying 8 + 2 + 6 is better than 8 + 6 + 2 and (41 - 1) + (29 + 1) is better than 41 + 29

I am not stupid enough to even try disagreeing with that.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.