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Takže, typický člen každé skupiny je ve středním věku... :blobthinkingdown:

Reminds me of that joke:

A holidaying German enters an airport passport control.
Officer: "Occupation?"
German: "No, vacation."

To víš, za to může ta má láska ke svíčkové a pájení.

Jen nevím, jak to zjistili.

Tak je to potvrzené. mám 53 let, podprůměrné vzdělání a odmítám myšlenky :kekw:

Mimochodem, toto je opravdu bizár. Místo toho, aby se zeptali na 15 faktorů ohledně globálního oteplování se zeptají na tu samou otázku 15krát.

Yes, the slogan was the meakest way of begging people to reconsider what they're about to do. But noone listened. I get your point, but this was the breaking point. That is why it's important to remember. This was the open condemnation of color blindness on a society wide scale.

You could possibly reason around "it's ok to be white". But this one was a proclamation so clear, that I call it a conceptual nuke.

Sometimes, I forget just how this all started.

Well, here is a reminder of what killed the "post-racial liberalism"

You have to have a very high IQ to understand The Boys. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of political philosophy most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.

@cjd @icare4america
Saying, that it's safe to push an untested vaccine on the entire population is safe, because it didn't end badly once is like believing, that playing Russian rulette is safe, because you saw your oponent go first.

The only thing that got destroyed was my faith in humanity's average intelligence.

Although, I am not sure, if sulfur is the correct resource to have doubled our of all of these.

The moment when your new hobby stops being terrifying, and only the bliss of new unexplored creativity remains is quite interesting.

I am not sure how I feel about being happy 2 days in a row.

Já se omlouvám, ale opravdu neslyším jedinou vlastnost, která by u politiků nebyla buď běžnou, nebo dokonce prospěšnou.

Ale díky za upřímnost.

Not to mention, this photo is both 100 times more patriotic and more dignified.

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