So, once again, we agree.
Therefore, a woman with passion for Justice would be a much better choice. A traditional woman with an upper class background, who will understand the daily struggle Bruse has to go through on the daily bases, as well as responsibility for governing his empire..
Also, damn... These guys are fast...
(I'm not clicking that though.... I think I might want at least some chance in front of the gates yet.)
That is, because people who don't understand game theory couldn't predict the importing voters.
@RikaDerufu @Jens_Rasmussen
I heard, that in some civilizations, it used to be an honor to leave by your own hand, once you were no longer able to live on your own properly.
And at this point, I believe that might actually be the only solution. Because we are getting trapped into a technologivcally enabled insanity.
Each advancement of medical science enables us to give old people more time alive at an ever increasing cost. Yes, the healthcare of young does become better too, but if we manage to unlock 2 more years for a million, all it does is increase the ammount of people who need that million dollar healthcare.... only so they ask for 2 more years for 5 mil.
It is an eternal cycle of more people needing more money for worse few years of life.
I hate that they chose to betray their nation just because it was easy.
This is stupid argument. A birthrate below 2 is not a sustainable model, no matter how healthy the 1.4 kid actually are.
I don't get your question. What will bounce back? The population or the retirement system?
Well, my point is, that we don't value the life itself. Neither as an experience, nor as an entity worth protecting. These people literally see a livetime production dollar amount. That is not what should be protected. That is not what it means to be alive.
Truee, I forgot, that people like Contrapoints love to use this shit in real life too.
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When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
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