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@uncles_lumbago It doesn't matter anymore. I can confirm that not a single group on the Right is willing to stand up to their own women. They'd rather start a race war than tell their own women "no".

I've let go of trying to save them. I'm just going to save myself, and leave a few breadcrumbs along the way for those who have the wherewithal to save themselves.

The rest of them can eat shit and die.

@LukeAlmighty It warms my heart to see an internet argument end without someone getting doxxed or fired.
@Some_German_Guy @kino @eris @graf
Every now and then I show normies Jim's How the Sausage is Made video.
Many are surprised it has gotten that bad. Remember, if it's not on network television, it's probably something of a niche topic.

@basadeskaiser @LukeAlmighty @Donald_McRonald @NEETzsche @RoyalJohnny242 @WhiteTemplar @eris @ew I condemn violence when used against people who never initiated the use force ( that includes indoctrination ) against somebody else. I condone violence when is used against people who did initiated the use of force ( threat, coercion, indoctrination, physical aggression, etc ) as a mean of self-defense.

The racial slur of the day is Saltine.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Same color as skin. Same sentiments expressed as in "cracker."

That feeling, when you are on site full of nazis and lolicons, arguing with spinsters etc, and still all you can think of is:

Damn, everyone is so friendly in here...

Because just how fucked up the normie sites are in comparison.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.