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@LukeAlmighty @rlier23 @ChristiJunior yeah but it was the domino effect! It led to revealing activist funding for nepotistic journalists who pushed for WOKE garbage, before finally resulting in Gamer RW death squads. :holo_impatient:
Oh wait, yeah as folks have pointed out, that last part didn't happen.. BUT IT SHOULD HAVE, yes yes :a_little_trolling:

There’s really no case against insisting on race-neutral policies that don’t tacitly admit you want to either nanny non-Whites or disparage Whites. And usually it’s a mix of both.

But in the example I give in New York, the State where Payton Gendron lived, they have this racial triage policy in place where they will literally deny you medicine for being White. If a family member of mine got turned away at the hospital because blacks were more important for being blacks, or were made to wait longer for this reason, I’d go fucking berserk.

I’d install Minecraft immediately.

@SerfnUSA someone ought to remind these people their fucking place again

Taxes are frustrating because they are (often) spent inefficiently. But the money is (ostensibly) being spent to make the general public’s lives better, which includes you. By contrast, slavery is an individual forcing you as an individual to work to advance his interests, without you being provided a wage, or having personal freedom. One is a lot more unjust than the other.

Weekly art and drawings 

Another one that started tough, but ended up looking fairly nice. Another thing to do is work on poses of people relaxing, sleeping, eating, drinking... Pretty much everything.

I know it looks pretty weird, but bear with me. I also need to work on drawing body horror.

@LukeAlmighty my God man with those many coins you could get some pussy if you found the right hoe

Open source software is the best argument for communism

>I do not see taxation and slavery as morally equivalent, no

So Whites may tax 20% of black people’s income to compensate them for their being racially triaged. Blacks have an obligation to abide by this and can NEVER act violently because of it. Whites may enforce this tax.

Is that correct? It’s not slavery.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.