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How is it possible, that a 16 year old game running at 1/2 the resolution looks less blocky then a new game at a full one?

Hi. I wasn't observing your debate with @dave lately.

Was he able to name an acceptable genocide from a non-bypoc group?

If he didn’t die of a #fentanyl overdose, how come he was suffering from overdose symptoms up until the moment he died? And how come he died when it was impossible for what the officer did to have directly killed him? (I say directly because from what I know, the officer’s actions did aggravate #GeorgeFloyd’s conditions slightly and probably caused him to died quicker than he otherwise would have)

It would be really odd if a bunch of released criminals just kept turning up dead.
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If you ever do a Darth Vader cosplay, and it doesn't include reproductors blasting imperial march at full volume whenever you enter a room, you failed at the basics.

@evelyn Seriously considering petitioning the unicode consortium to add "REAL HANDGUN" emoji back into unicode.
"Excuse me stewardess, what time will we arrive?"

"We will be striking the North Tower at 8:46 am, sir."

"Excellent, thank you!"

Whenever I hear a woman talk about energy, vibrations or frequencies, I want to smash them with a physics book.


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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.