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Sailor Moon S2 

Ok, now I seriously didn't expect this plot twist...

Russia's Turtle Tanks
It seems, that after decades of military advancements, we're back to tank destroyers with no turret rotation.

These "resumes" are so fucking weird. I've been told to use color, correct font and write only the most important information to the top.

So, I just look up "how to write a resume", and guess what? This is the first picture I'm shown:

Why do the resumes in video look like a fucking tech printout?

The begginers guide spoiler 

This walking simulator places you in a place of a complice to an insane stalker. He makes it very clear, that he's an insane stalker with 0 self reflection at the very start, and as the game progresses, nothing changes about that fact.

I hated the guy from the first minutes, but that's ok. Sometimes, a game has to have a villain. Since the game gives you no choice to be moral, you are kinda yet another hostage to this. While the stalker is going through games, he starts framing it, like all of his stalking is kinda your fault, and at the end of the game, the author wants you to feel guilty for the author creating a narrator who has no understanding of humans.

Like.... seriously? People like this struggle session? My boundaries problems are literally the oposite. I am the locked in guy, who talks to noone. And now, the game tries to blame me for being a stalker? That is kind of "experience" that stays with you for years as a deep insult, not as a growth opportunity.

I rate is as: Actually harmful out of ten.

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2nd generation westernized asian woman discovers that the rest of the world does not operate on America's retarded race system.

If you played the begginrrs guide...
Did you even like it? It felt to me like a stupid insult, and nothing more.

Why the fuck do I keep attracting weirdos with IQ 20 points above me?

It's such a quiet thing to fall.... and far more terryfying to admit it.

Dropping hints....
Long stares....
Short smiles....

I grew up on future diary FFS. It's not my fault I expect a girl to defend my life with a knife in her hand. A smile is just not good enough of a "hint".

Tried eating veggies to lose weight...

It's so fucking horrible. To eat with no sustinance is a concept I've heard of in many horror stories, bot I didn't know this shit was fucking real.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.