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>I did it again

Lifted then went for a 4.7 mile walk, it's getting cold mayne and I do not like it. Just as I'm getting into my best shape ever I will soon have to stop wearing tank tops 😢 My Delts long to be free...they were not made for captivity...

Woman for your time


I am considering buying Concord off someone, to pin to my wall of fame :D

@nicholas @latein @LukeAlmighty @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired There's also a simpler rationalist issue: there's a chain of trust that starts at you, you have to decide who and what to trust and if you can't use your own head to make judgements you can't reasonably conclude that the experts are worth trusting

Pražská MHD má potisk online kasína...
Sakra, nejenom, že do mhd jdou i moje peníze, ale v těch tramvajích jezdí děti. To opravdiu se nenašel sponzor, který aktivně neničí lidem život jako primární zdroj příjmů?

@YTFoidLover1488 Fucking BASED!

Reminder that there is NO legitimate reason to list character pronouns, when you can just specify that the character's sex is male, female, unknown or not applicable (in the case of machines). Listing preferred pronouns 100% means that you're aligned with child-raping trannies and niggerfaggots who want to murder us for being White.


Any concrete examples?

There is a whole scientific literature on the systematic failures of the peer review process colloquially known as The Replication Crisis.

I think it's fair to say people smugly clapping back with "trust the science, bro" who lack sufficient epistemic depth to even be aware of the replication crisis, much less have a cogent response to its salient critiques​ are just engaged in vapid sloaganeering, not intellectual discourse.

I think Luke's point is that for some of us, the replication crisis papers merely confirmed (and to be fair, quantified) what was already clearly true just from applying Feynman's Cargo Cult Science model.

I don't think this is the defining cleft between right and left, I find Haidt's Moral Foundations Theory to be persuasive. But it is undeniably the case that broad swaths of 'the left' are actively out-grouping anyone who strays from strict ideological conformity. So people like dave rubin and barri weiss who were firmly on the left until they used an independent mental model to go "Now hold on, that doesn't really make sense..." got completely exercised from 'the left' and painted as "far right" despite having 90+% policy alignment with the median 2012 Obama voter.

I hate the days, when I sleep so well, that my head hurts for the entire rest of the day, and I have to sleep it off, since I have no other option...

Wow... SFO is now just an average fattie.

What a breathtakingly great job.

Why are so many people complaining about this. Does this seriously look to you guys as an example of uglyfication?

@LukeAlmighty hidden amongst all the crazy shit in the metal gear games are so many amazing lines too.

> It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

I don't even remember the last time I heard writing this good in a game or a movie. That's so horrible.

It is not nostalgia, the western writing had really fallen that low in such a short time.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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