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@LukeAlmighty facing a common enemy did bring us together once upon a time...

I think I am losing my mind...
These people decided to steal our jobs. Our rights... And even called for our execution.....

And now, they are asking why we didn't feel included in their little cult?

I am so fucking tired of re-learning how to do basic tasks in Windows every 2 months just because Microsoft decided to hide them even further.

Parents will literally simulate abduction for their daughter.

And wonder 2 years later, why she has trauma, is eating anti-depressives like candies and cannot form a trusting relationship with anyone.

This is what crime looks like in Czech republic these days.

On one hand, it's good to live in a relaticely safe country, but on the other one, I cannot believe how could anyone have voted such an insane clow into a position of power

I am not in bed yet, but I am seriously on the edge of calling in sick today.

I fucking hate the reddit brains talking about philosophy.
> On time is such an interesting philosophical take. It's not just a movie about money, because you don't die if you run out of money.

No... You don't die when you're out of money. You are technically correct. But the rando who just gave you a soup did somehow lose his money to keep you alive for another day. so.... without him losing money, you actually would just drop dead. Ain't that interesting...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.