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If you look in a microscope, everything is moving around even when everything is still. The warmer it gets, and the smaller the particles get, the more they move.

This is called Brownian motion, and it is explained by matter being made of particles that push against everything and when the matter is small enough the energy of individual particles is enough to jostle things around. It isn't the only proof, but it's good evidence that matter is made of molecules, and that heat is related to the movement of those particles.

It was Albert Einstein who described Brownian motion mathematically which was one of the major things which helped tip the consensus of scientists towards atomic theory rather than something else.

(I know, you weren't asking but I thought Brownian motion is pretty cool so I decided to share anyway)

Yeah... nothing makes me more social then the total dread of what's happening around me.
I also love trying to read the drink names and prices on a wall written dark red on black and in shadow. Well, and I definitely want to keep spending, when I fall asleep after 2nd beer.

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Why is it so fucking hard to light up a bar properly? Are you so insanely poor, that the electrical bill for light is too much to handle?

I love the fact, that there is a channel called EFAP highlights, that uploads just the best parts... that are around 45 minutes long.

You know... the HIGHLIGHTS :omegalul:

Do you ever hear a line so insane, that you just want to call a therapist , and schedule a meeting between immediately and now? 

> Girls are afraid to compliment guys, because it could be percieved as flirting... but they want to be kind and compliment guys... trust me bro

Bruh, I get on average a compliment once per 5 years. How the fuck am I supposed to NOT see that as a unique event, when it literally is that unique? At this point, when a woman looks me in the eyes, I count that as her being extremely nice.

If you want to be nice, then be nice. People will notice, when the behavior is common. You are creating this issue on purpose, aren't you?

Joker 2 is a movie literally about how rape correction actually works.

I am not sure if I like the idea though.

@eemmaa >Um, I see you once posted anime tiddy so therefore all critique of socially cancerous sexual degeneracy raping out civilization's asshole is void


The Astolfo shit is pretty gay tho.

Thinking about the conversations I had in the last few days make me wonder, just how much time does FBI have to spend on "recognising autism" trainings. That shit has to make up half of their entire manual :omegalul:

Wait a fucking minute...
Do you want to tell me, that we have ACTUALLY built a structure, that can unironically be seen from the space?

@LukeAlmighty @eemmaa @charliebrownau you already know that people believe this shit because jews taught them wrong on purpose and jews control the chokepoints of education, mass media, communications, etc.

this is another thing I fucking hate about the "Right wing", continuing to blame women when they fucking know better. Because by the same token, men are just as blameworthy in general as women.

it's almost as if we've been deliberately propagandized to split apart at the drop of a hat over largely irrelevant differences.

I'm glad the kikes are getting their ass kicked in "Israel" and they're slowly losing legitimacy abroad because of how bad they are at helming an empire, because holy fucking shit you people would rather bitch about women so massa jew doesn't notice you as much and punish you.

Before fedi:
What kind of an insecure person would use a block button?

After fedi:
Fuck these people. None of you deserve freedom to speak

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