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SFO is just getting unhinged lately.
Video: The Ballad Of Peanut The Squirrel

> Government overreached so hard, that people couldn't believe their own eyes.

Dev: But the pet owner coomed, so the Trumpoids are hypocrites for defending him.

I have cut myself from chocolate... By byting it the wrong way. It wasn't even hard. It was soft chocolate, but it created a vacuum.

HOW???? I am reaching a retard levels, that shouldn't be possible.

Arcane S2 ep 7 spoiler 

Also a dumb way to break your series, when we saw Ekko use the device in S1, before he even invented it.

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Arcane S2 ep 7 spoiler 

Ekko literally gets into the good ending dimension, with no war, wide spread prosperity, no drug cartels, clean air and he has a banger of a GF....

And he goes like: Nah, I love the way the last world sucked.

I say many psychopaths in time travel stories, but this one does actually take the cake.

Just saw a video of an Arcane bar.
You could buy shimmer there...

I am seriously not sure, if I am the retarded one, or if the bar owner has a screw loose, but out of all the immersion options, I don't think, that Meth head is the option, that most people want to get into.

@j @LukeAlmighty Everytime I see a video of a black person in their home I'm listening for the beeps and they are so often there :NotLikeThis:

At least, now I finally know, why all the hair models look like they were rendered in 420p. It's because they actually were.

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Do you remember the piss filter era? Noone called it that back then, because people didn't notice it on time.

Well, 10 years from now, people are going to call this either undersampled or blur era of gaming.

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