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Zoomer fren asked why millennials are like this. After all, cohabitation is dumb and we should know better, so why are we so millennial about everything?

My answer:
Imagine an entire generation gets taught to play chicken on the railroad tracks and eat moldy bread and drink curdled milk and to snort asbestos whenever they get a cold. Every time someone says "hey, don't do that," the teachers rise up to scream at that guy and shut him down, so now a bunch of this generation gets horrified because they're getting sick and getting hit by trains.

That's my generation. We are this way because we were taught to be this way. Zoomers have the benefit of watching us live up to it and get burned; they get to learn from the mistakes we were told to make.

EU just decided, that we cannot ship packages, that are more then 50% air...

So, tellme how the fuck are they supposed to ship fucking thermal bottles now?

I think I have reached the pure autism retardation clown world era of my life.

I think it's funny how we never had female school shooters until they started roiding women with testosterone who identified as men.

I get why the government wants to promote effeminate men and cut boys dicks off, but transmen are becoming a real menace.

They have all the violent tendencies of men without the IQ or second order thinking of men.

Congratulations, you've recreated black people.

@LukeAlmighty @xyfdi
Just look at the way Mars is dressed…
An atmosphere so thin it's like wearing nothing at all!
Clearly Mars is asking for it.

Therapy post 

One of the few truly groundbreaking thought I had to discover in order to start fixing my social anxiety was the question of: Do I actually believe, that my presence can improve the life of other people I want to be friends with?

Because for a long time, the anwser was a clear no.

And I mean, it's fucking constant. She won't even fucking let me make my own fucking tea this bitch. Instead, as soon as she sees me boiling water, she immediately jumps in to make sure, she knows what bag she can put into the cup, and so she can pour the water for me.

Why? It is more exhausting to tell you, then doing this shit myself.

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