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An year ago, I gave a rando girl few burgers, and she started crying, as if she never knew this kind of kindness before.

I wonder if she's doing ok.

@bebe Im partial to the Blue-Eyes White Tea, the strongest waifu in Duel Monsters

I really miss the time, where there was ALWAYS one decent Marvel movie in the theaters no matter why you needed it.

> "omg, I hate that old shoujo is so pedophi--"


I love the UN. They are so unbelievabely retarded, that they believe some commie game dev, when they say, that they can recruit entire armies of soldiers to die for the nation.

Meanwhile, all the western nations are in the middle of recruitment crisis.

They are more naive towards scam artists then my grandma. At least she was sold a healing lamp, that had some potential to be real. But the UN will fall for literally anything as long, as it can blame video games.

Miluju lidi, kteří si zakládají celou svou životní hodnotu na vykání :omegalul:

Jak zoufalý musý být tvůj život, aby toto mělo pro tebe hodnotu?

Boss: I am sorry Luke, but I need you to fill this survey ASAP.
Me: I will, if you need it, but I literally cannot grasp the questions. They are literally optimized to be meaningless.
Him: :D Yeah, I know

What the fuck even is corporate world anymore? I don't get it. This should be categorized an an anti-autism discrimination.

New NPC programming just dropped.

> Europeans have a different conceptions of the freedom then the US.

J.D. Vance had a speech in European parlament recently, where he brought up a sharp critique of the EU, saying, that many nations do not share one of the most important American values, and that future cooperation will be complicated, if the US cannot see us as an equal civilized partnet without that rights. That right obviously being freedom of speech.

And, the European politicians understood, that he was correct. Majority of European nations not only do have many insane hate speech laws, but also some of them (UK) are pursuing them to an extend even higher then fucking Russia. So, what can they do to safe the face? They fucking started wordbending.

Their new claim is, that Europeans are just as free as Americans, because.... our conception of freedom is tied to free healthcare and education, not free speech.

I am not kidding. They seriously switched socialist and state enforced payment system for public services, and compared it to a human right to speak your mind. The logic? Well, the ammount you pay is 0, so it's free. And when noone is opressing you, you are "free". See? It's the same word. Nonoe cares, that in entierly different context, meaning, or even the fact, that these two things are not exclusionary towards each other in the slightest. No...... We don't need free speech, because our education is just as free.

You cannot make this clown shit up. And I am supposed to be proud of these assholes?

"Ask not how your country can breathe for you, ask how you can breathe for your country." - GFK

For a moment, I was wondering how could nuclear power develop such a bad reputation...

And here, we have AI, being used by the dumbest MFs, making the entire thing toxic and hated.

In #Japan, the machine can take your photo and, for 500 Yen, make it extremely beautiful.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.