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Is Tanya porn pedo, gay, pedo gay or neither?


Literally can't make this shit up! Never in history a population has been subject to the lab minutia of a fucking cold. A reality show about a virus, what a loser gay empire we live in.
@LukeAlmighty @moth_ball yeah, the examples he gave are more or less around what I expected. It's complete bullshit, but you're gonna have to do it regardless. Since it's bullshit, just make up believable bullshit. Fight bullshit with bullshit

This is just manager bullshit so he can tell his boss "ayy boss, I'm managing!" despite this shit being EXTREMELY disruptive to the wrong person. A true manager would actually take different approach to different employee, as some of the tricks WILL work on the right person but goes terrible wrong on the wrong person. But yeah, welcome to the cogification of people in the workforce. You're just yet another cog

Which kinda pisses me off, as if you're being literal with your autism (altho', even figurative works) this could be an amazing weapon if wielded in the right way, but the current corporate culture won't allow that

It reminds me that as a kid, I was diagnosed with ADHD, still have it. I was weird and under performed with some things, but I over performed with other things ... But nobody came and exploited that, I was expected to go with everyone else and school just failed me considerably. Hilariously I was below average in language ... Until the Internet, which then my grades for that went up significantly, just by using the Internet. How about that? But either way, school failed me spectacularly. I was the weird kid (still is, in some way) and ended up hating school. School was boring and people were mean. Thank the stars that I was able to give no effort and passes around the average every single time, but that made me intellectually lazy because I always got away with that

Later on I went to adult high school to specifically finish some optional advanced math (I had my diploma already) to get into a college IT degree. The high school advanced math class there was made for people who barely failed it and it was too fast for me. However, there, I floundered for months because of this shitty female teacher. She was fucking terrible. In maths, I need to be babied. I need to go constantly ask "Is this right?" (because the fucking textbook didn't have the goddamn answers) and to ask for explanation. In this adult school, you worked on modules at your own pace and went to the teacher to explain shit. However, she was ungodly slow and had a FUCKING HOUR LONG wait time just to tell me "yeah that's right". Fucking hell. and when she explained things, she took fucking forever so my mind wandered elsewhere

I went to see the principal because I just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to change from all day class, to afternoon only class with a specific teacher that I only got on a certain day that changed to this schedule because he actually catered to my needs. How? He didn't have a 1 fucking hour long lineup and was able to quickly explain things without wasting your goddamn fucking time. So basically, I did the rest of this advanced math, with half the goddamn daily time with another teacher and somehow, "S O M E H O W", I completely fast tracked the rest of the math modules. Who would have thought?

its honestly incredible how these "people" couldn't grasp the gay-op if their fucking lives depend on it lmfao
@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew Makes me feel blessed to be in the healthcare field where everyone is too busy with actual work to bother with stupid shit like that.

Remember, you don't owe them your honesty or loyalty, so just say whatever to appear as a good employee.
@LukeAlmighty It's all fancy shamncy corporate manager bullshit, probably read it in a cancerous management website

Are the goals work related or something? These are kind of made to be a bitch to make up. Just lie through your teeth to get out of this shit as much as possible, or at least, maybe they are to us. To workaholics manager types they're like candies

Make up bullshit, something like "Be more organized", offer an example of sometime you weren't organized best and say you're trying to fix it
@coolboymew @SpudsRudeEye

>mfw EGS goes under because Tencent gets fucked over.
>mfw this also means Honkai Impact and Geshin Impact are cancelled
@LouisConde The best part of the paper is when the author has a Lovecraftian mental breakdown over the realization that race is inescapable and in literally everything he sees lmao.
@enigmatico @Craftplacer and probably wouldn't work because of timing and shit.

For it to work the wires would need to have almost the same lenght, which is the reason on motherboard and a lot of PCB's you see "curved" traces like on this image
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