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@matrix @LukeAlmighty It varies from country to country to what extent doctors can opt out of providing medical services that violate their faith or conscience. I do know that in the US there are plenty of people who DO want to force doctors to at the very least facilitate abortion:

>Reproductive rights organizations, such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America, oppose the provision because they maintain that pharmacists, doctors, and hospitals have a professional duty to fulfill patients' legal medical needs, regardless of their own ethical stances.

Uh oh! your pitbull psyop material is too stale! It already attacked people and had to be executed!

Retards basically have a time bomb, have to move, give him to a new adoptive family, who he bit and mauled, then got him back home where he bit a kid, then when they finally got a trainer, tried to bite him a dozen times.

Then the roastie gets pregnant and wants him adopted, because “I didn’t trust him around my baby”. All it takes is one day where the door wasn’t closed for him to bolt out and start attacking people again.

How is it possible, that in the year of our lord 2023, chain mails are still an absolutely unreadable mess?

Man being around another person with tourettes is really making me super self conscious of my own tics :monkas:

Kind of a cool shirt. I'd like to see them sell a black wojak with the word "NEGROES" on it and and a white model. For the lolz.

@caekislove I have this convo a lot w/ retard-cons.

“so you’re sending your daughter out of state, to take the shape of the societal container you put her in… a big city university? And you think she’s gonna come home for christmas the same girl?”

I like Kevin Samuels, but there is one thing, where I wonder, how many lives he ruined.
When a 37 YO woman calls him, and he says to her, that she needs 5-10 years of therapy...

That is like seeing a guy with heart attack, and telling him to start working out. These women don't have time to go to a 10 year therapy. That is not helping.

“can you believe this nonsense? I’m a good conservative man trying to send my lone, vulnerable, malleable daughter to globohomo indoctrination school and they’re asking me stuff about how indoctrinated she is already!!!!”

I don't think I understand the appeal of Diablo even on the conceptual level :FeelsSadMan:

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