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Do you want to receive free sex toys for Amazon reviews? I have a sponsor looking for Amazon reviews. There are only two products for men (most are for women as is common in the sex toy industry). Here is the link:

If interested, email Vera at

Nigger, how the FUCK is this list STILL this fucking short? Sony's failed handheld still boasts almost 7 times the number of exclusives, the PS5 is a fucking joke.
@Terry >Blood doesn't make you Irish

There are many things about japanese culture, that are just weird... But the fact, that they are putting blood type on character sheets makes me seriously uncomfortable for some reason...

Seriously, they are fictional characters. Why the fuck do you need to know their antibodies? :babyRage:

This is why everyone hates autistic people 

The last queen had killed the entire moon kingdom by not being selfish enough. The silver cristal has power to alter reality to such an extent, that it can re-create an altered past.

But, instead of wishing to save her kingdom and all people in it, (INCLUDING HERSELF) just as Uzaki did, she just wished for Sailors to have a normal life. :ablobonfire:

I think I changed my mind about the man vs bear argument.

It's briliant. You can keep saying for ages, that some people are psychopaths, who will say whatever bullshit benefits them, but this is first time, that the line is so retarded, that it puts it into a context, that even a boomer can understand.

Fuck it... I am going to try the most deadly diet now. I have nothing to lose. 

I will try the 80% fruits and vegitables diet... Why not at this point :D

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