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Fuck these pajeets. How dare they use such a horrible game design.

You CANNOT make an univarsal rule, that walls in AI bases are indestructible, and then hide an objective BEHIND A DESTRUCTABLE WALL!!!

I can handle a bit of jank. Most great games have a ton of it. But how dare Empirion get 95% of the game correct, and somehow manage to fuck up the remaining 5e6%.

@LukeAlmighty Disney built itself on public domain characters and then fucked copyright laws inside out to squat them and some more
they're still flagging that first Mickey Mouse cartoon which went public domain recently, on YT

Also, this was in the context of me explaining my trauma driven sleep problems. It didn't came up during some light hearted conversation, but while I was begging for some simple understanding.

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Women are psychopaths part 70 

Me: I was sneak up on during the middle of the night by people who hate me and wanted to hurt me. I was lucky enough to wake up on time, before they managed to pull their "just a prank bruh", but it still deepened my already huge sleep problems for the rest of my life.

My step mom:
Oh, I wish someone did that to me 😍

The hardest burn AI has ever recieved 

AI is like reaction streamers on steroids

I know that most of my suffering is caused by an unconscious assumption, that people will be happier without me, and my presence doesn't improve their life in the slightest.

But one thing that would help more than any therapist would be a FAMILY THAT DIDN'T USE EVERY SINGLE OPORTUNITY TO PROVE IT RIGHT!!!

You hear the dumbest line in your life... it happens.

You hear it again, you think what a weird coincidence.

You hear it from 1/2 the population, you have to fucking ask. How the FUCK does this bullshit make sense to people? Headphones add noises over already existing noise. They do not subtract. Also, if you set them loud enough to outscream the environment, you will go deaf in 3 days.

> Take for example a high value woman...

*Continues to describe a 50yo salary karren

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.