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Today cannot get any worse.
So I go to Costa to fix my mood
Ask for a recommendation

The barrista cannot even fucking do a recommendation. The day somehow got worse.

I just had to walk through a "baby needs" shop, and it's a fucking red pilling as fuck.

1/2 of men in here are definitely over 6 feet. I feel like a hobbit in here.

Gotta love how Google is guessing what exact context am I actually looking for

Wait... What the fuck?
The holywood execs thought of an idea of a... focus groups? What the fuck were they doing until now then?

I literally never thought of a corporation structure as a pyramid scheme...

FUCK!!! Why are commies always so insanely inarticulate?

ForGanes byl zoufalý vtip.
Máme v Praze alespoň 4 herní studia na světové úrovni, a oni nenajdou matroš na vyplnění jedné haly?


Oh... shit 

V rising is just the cooler brother of the Sims.

I've spent last 4 hours building my house, and I am far from satisfied.

I am not gonna lie, I am quite proud of this one, even though, it's just the first act.

@justinerickson @PNS

i loved destiny's take on clotshot efficacy :-D

"official narrative[..]didn't come from the lab[..]if you get the jab[..]you can not transmit it"
(destiny shakes his head)

march 2024
destiny: "the official position of the nih or the government was not that if you get vaccinated you will never transmit it and you will never get sick[..]nobody actually thought that."

> Is there anything I could say that could change your mind

This has to be literally the dumbest question, that people are unironically taking seriously.

First off, it it literally asking about a gab in my mental model. It is exactly the same, as when people ask you "did you forget anything" when leaving the house. If I knew, that I forgot my phone, I would literally already know about it, so the question would be pointless. In the same way, if I knew, that saying "but what about blue?" would completely change my opinion on religion/ politics/ abortion... I would ask myself that question already in the pursuit of my own beliefs.

And second off: I am not a fucking automat. How do you expect this conversation to go? You ask me... I tell you "I'll change my opinion, if you say up up down down left right left right A B start", you repeat my statement, I smile and we agree?

Wait... Was Destiny always this retarded?

I mean... He does have a dumb take from time to time, but he literally doesn't understand a concept of "if you don't kill a kid, in 12 years, he grows up to a 12 year old kid"

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.