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Funny development: I can no longer access DRC from my home's Internet connection.

FSE works fine, though.

Tried with the phone's data pack and it works. Tried on a VPN (how I'm here now) and it works too., NCD and Gab are all accessible, so it's unlikely the ISP decided to ban fediverse instances. Also, it's more unlikely the ISP knows what a fediverse is.

This is serious. :0390: I might try applying all of my IT knowledge here: I might try restarting the router.

If that doesn't help, see you on FSE. :kek_pain:
90s hardware have 30+ lifespans
00s hardware have 20 year lifespans
10s hardware have 10 year lifespans
20s hardware die immediately

When you take out a loan from a bank, they are creating this money - so it’s not a loan from the bank, it’s in fact a theft of money from all in society who have no clue that the value in their wallets has been reduced. In return for this “service”, the bank get’s the right to claim real property if you fail to pay them the “interest” they demand for this public theft operation.

Natáčet kvalitní filmy je v česku úplně marné, protože i kdyby jsi natočil Teorii tygra, tak si toho nikdo v tom bordelu nevšimne.

When it's 5pm, but the job just got interesting...
I am slowly turning into a woorker. :AHHHHHHH:

@Francisco @Orkin_Awk @Breaking911 You dont get it, I supported the republican party to END the republican party, in my new America people will be able to think and see for themselves! Fuck all these limp dick patriots and chickenshit cowards! Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivial and celebrity bullshit Fuck gay American pride! Fuck the niggers! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased, rotten to the core, there’s no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new America will be born! The jews will be PURGED and the Whites shall survive, free to live as they see fit. They’ll MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
The shield of a medieval mercenary from Northern Italy by the name of Bartolomeo Colleoni (colleoni means balls)

His coat of arms was three pairs of balls and his war cry was "coglia! coglia! coglia!" which means "balls! balls! balls!"
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.